Personal (Non-FMLA) Leaves of Absence for Nine-Month Faculty

University Policy: 
Executive Summary: 

This Policy has been established to address non-FMLA personal leaves of absence for nine-month faculty.


Nine-month faculty do not accrue vacation or sick leave, but in certain circumstances a personal leave of absence may be permitted. 

  1. If a nine-month faculty member requests leave that qualifies under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), University Policy 102.6, Family and Medical Leave for Nine-Month Faculty, applies.  Such leave must be exhausted prior to a request for a personal leave of absence.
  2. If the faculty member does not qualify for FMLA leave or has exhausted the FMLA benefit, a personal leave of absence may be requested for no less than one semester and no more than one academic year. 
  3. All requests for personal leave of absence must be initiated at least three months in advance of the beginning of the requested leave by submitting form AA-32, Request for Leave of Absence for a Member of the Faculty in 9-month Appointment, to the faculty member’s immediate supervisor.
  4. The supervisor shall review the request for leave, and if approved, the supervisor shall submit the request to the department chair for review. (If the supervisor is the department chair, such request shall be forwarded to the dean of the college.)  The department chair shall then review the request for leave, and if approved, the department chair shall submit it to the dean of the college for review. If the department chair or dean of the college denies the request, the faculty member may appeal to the Provost.
  5. Personal leaves of absence are without pay, and during a personal leave without pay, the University will cease payment of all employment benefits.  The faculty member on personal leave will be responsible for the full cost of their health insurance benefit, and all contributions to the retirement system will cease during this period of time.
  6. Approval of personal leave does not automatically extend the period of review for reappointment, tenure, or promotion.  A request for extension of the period of review for reappointment, tenure, or promotion should be made as part of the request for personal leave of absence.


Revision History: 
  • Initially Approved January 7, 2014
  • Updated July 19, 2021

Authority:  Chancellor

Responsible Offices:  Human Resources; Academic Affairs

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