Attendance Generally: Students are expected to attend every class and remain in class for the duration of the session. Failure to attend class or arriving late may impact your ability to achieve course objectives, which could affect your course grade. An absence, excused or unexcused, does not relieve a student of any course requirement. Regular class attendance is a student’s obligation, as is a responsibility for all the work of class meetings, including tests and written tasks. Any unexcused absence or excessive tardiness may result in a loss of participation points.
Attendance with Poll Everywhere: The instructor may use the Poll Everywhere Attendance Management Tool to verify students' in-person attendance in the classroom or class location of record. Students will need to “check in to your presenter's location” on their devices before taking an attendance poll.
Students will need to set their devices to “Allow” Poll Everywhere to know their location in order to be checked-in for attendance. To be sure location is turned on for the device:
- If students are using a VPN - they will need to turn it off to complete attendance polls.
- If students have Location Services turned off - they will need to turn it on to complete attendance polls.
If a student is unable to "register their location" on their device, they are responsible for alerting their instructor so an alternate way of confirming their attendance can be arranged.
Students are required to verify only their own attendance through Poll Everywhere. It is a violation of this syllabus policy and the Code of Student Responsibility for a student to verify attendance for another student or for a student to request that another person verify their attendance.
For more information, see guidance for Poll Everywhere.