Legal Resources & Guidance

A variety of legal issues affects the University, its employees, and its students.  The Legal Topics included on the pages listed in the left side menu highlight some common issues, but they are intended as general guidance and resources only and should not be interpreted as professional legal advice.  To obtain legal advice on matters involving or affecting the University, please contact the Office of Legal Affairs. The OLA provides comprehensive legal advice and assistance to the UNC Charlotte Board of Trustees, the Chancellor, the other senior administrators of the University, and through them, to the University’s faculty and staff, only on legal matters involving or affecting the institution.

Attorney Practice Areas

While all the attorneys in the Office of Legal Affairs are generalists, each attorney in the Office of Legal Affairs has specific subject areas in which he or she regularly practices. The practice areas listed here provide brief descriptions of the Office of Legal Affairs practice areas and indicate the attorneys in the Office of Legal Affairs that are best suited to provide legal advice in those areas.

Legal Affairs Training Sessions for Faculty & Staff

Starting in 2017, the Office of Legal Affairs began offering monthly open training sessions to UNC Charlotte staff and faculty on a variety of legal topics.  Click here to see upcoming sessions.