Revised 605.5

Effective Date: 
Monday, July 12, 1999

This University Policy has been revised to clarify a number of details related to publications and printing at UNC Charlotte. Specifically, it now provides that the offices of Undergraduate Admissions, the Provost, and Publications and Printing Services are responsible for reviewing and approving certain major University publications that are distributed to the general public. In addition, internal publications for limited off-campus distribution may now be submitted directly to the University's contract printer, instead of submitting them to the manager of Printing Services. However, all publications to be produced by a printer other than the University's contract printer must be approved by the Director of Publications and Printing Services or the Director of Purchasing. Standards for letterhead, envelopes, business cards, University trademarks and service marks, and undergraduate departmental recruiting brochures are all available from Publications and Printing Services, and must be observed. All printing that can be performed by the University's contract printer will be performed by that printer, unless it requires process color printing and is estimated to cost over $2,500, in which case it must be sent out for bids. Finally, the policy is revised in accordance with North Carolina statutes requiring that statements regarding nondiscrimination and cost of printing be printed in certain publications and requiring certain mailing lists to be updated annually.