Sales, Commercial Solicitation, and Fundraising

 Appendix A, University Policy 601.6, Use of University Space

The following conditions and restrictions apply to Sales, Commercial Solicitation, and Fundraising in University Space:

A. Generally Applicable Rules

  1. Times and Locations. Sales activities may be conducted only at times and in locations approved by the Conferences, Reservations and Event Services Office (CRES).  That office is responsible for coordinating such activities in advance with the appropriate facility administrator.
  2. Space Reservation. All Groups and individuals must reserve University Space under Section IV of University Policy 601.6 prior to conducting Sales, Commercial Solicitation, or Fundraising.
  3. Sales and Commercial Solicitation Limitations. All University Groups, Student Organizations, and Sponsored Non-University Groups are limited to conducting Sales or Commercial Solicitation activities for a maximum of five (5) days during the fall semester, five (5) days during the spring semester, and five (5) days during the combined two summer sessions.  Sales or Commercial Solicitation activities that occur during any part of a day shall constitute a full day of activity.
  4. Credit Card Payment Options. Any group conducting Sales activities that accepts credit cards as a valid payment option must be in full compliance with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS).
  5. Sales Incident to an Event. Sales activities conducted incident to scheduled events are deemed special and specific circumstances and are permissible for the following:
    1. Sponsored events with merchandise or solicitations directly related to and supportive to the event’s primary purpose, such as CDs sold at a concert. Activity is limited to participants of the event.
    2. Charitable organizations (tax-deductible under Section 170(b)(1)(a) of the Internal Revenue Code) using University Space for an event. Solicitations of funds to invited participants must be in compliance with NC General Statute 131F, Solicitation of Contributions.

B. Conditions for Non-University Groups

  1. Sponsorship. Non-University Groups are strictly prohibited from using University facilities for Sales activities except when sponsored by a University Group.
  2. CRES Approval. University Groups or Student Organizations that sponsor Non-University Groups must receive approval from CRES prior to the Sponsored Non-University Group’s initiating Sales, Commercial Solicitation, or Fundraising activities.
  3. Benefit to University Group. Any Sales activities by a Sponsored Non-University Group must provide a direct benefit to the Sponsoring University Group.
  4. Commercial Solicitation and Fundraising. Non-University Groups and individuals are prohibited from engaging in Fundraising and Commercial Solicitation unless sponsored by a University Group or Student Organization. University Groups or Student Organizations may contract with Non-University Groups to conduct Fundraising or Commercial Solicitation on University premises, so long as the contract is signed by a University employee with proper signature authority.
  5. Times and Locations. Sales activities may be conducted only at times and in locations approved by CRES.  That office is responsible for coordinating all such activities in advance with the appropriate Facility Administrator.
  6. Tax-Exempt Status. Any Non-University Group requesting use of University facilities to solicit funds must be prepared to provide to the University a copy of its letter from the Internal Revenue Service verifying its tax-exempt status upon request.
  7. Credit Services Promotion. Sales activities involving credit services and/or the requirement of credit verification are bound by the above criteria and must also comply with the following requirements:  
    1. Each person receiving materials and/or completing an application that includes credit verification or credit checking must be given printed information in an easily readable format about:
      1. personal financial management and/or the proper use of credit, and
      2. all fees and/or charges for services (including interest rates and interest rate calculations, monthly fees, minute-based fees, etc.) related to the credit services being solicited.
  8. Amplification. Use of light or sound amplification (including digital projection) equipment is prohibited in all Sales activities unless approved by the Director of Conferences, Reservations and Event Services or designee.
  9. Incentives. Distribution of free items as a condition of a Sale or Commercial Solicitation is prohibited.
  10. Employment Recruitment. Companies/organizations soliciting for employment recruitment must contact the University Career Center prior to initiating such activities.