Effective Date:
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
University Policy 601.4, Integrated Space Management, has been revised to:
- Change the title from "Space Assignment, Management, and Alteration";
- Focus on overarching goals and guiding principles;
- Revise the guiding principles to better align with UNC Charlotte's institutional goals;
- Make the governance structure more strategic;
- Move detailed process guidelines to a "Supplemental Procedures" document;
- Streamline the current processes and procedures for efficiency and effectiveness;
- Provide for delegation of authority to approve minor issues when all involved parties agree;
- Reinforce the concept of "one university" by including all university space (eliminating exceptions in the current policy);
- Clarify that Alteration and Renovation of Space is included in the scope of the policy; and
- Change the office responsible for review and management of the policy from Academic Affairs to Business Affairs.