I. Policy Statement and Purpose:
Physical Space is an important University resource and must be managed based on institutional needs and priorities in a consistent, integrated, and strategic manner to advance the University’s mission and goals. The purpose of this Policy is to integrate and manage all University Space with institutional priorities.
This Policy and its Supplemental Procedures set forth the principles, procedures, and guidelines governing the allocation, reallocation, use, alteration, construction and renovation of all UNC Charlotte Space.
II. Definitions
- “Space” is defined as all physical space contained within the facilities owned, leased, or managed by the University.
- “Use” is defined as the purpose and functions for which the space is employed.
- Space “allocation” is defined as assigning or designating space to a particular unit for a specific use.
- Space “reallocation” is defined as reassigning space from one unit to another for a specific use.
- “Change in use” is defined as any change from the function and purpose for which the space was most recently allocated.
- “Alteration” is defined as any construction in a space that involves a change in its configuration; the fabrication of space; modification of space; or the erection, relocation, or removal of walls, partitions, doors, locks, and windows.
- “Renovation” is defined as any work that is required to restore, upgrade, or otherwise improve the condition of space.
- “Vacated space” is defined as space that is no longer occupied.
- “Facilities” is defined as any building and space contained within the building.
III. Applicability
Space is an asset belonging to the University and is acquired, leased, constructed, managed, and altered based on institutional needs and priorities. This Policy applies to all space owned, leased, or managed by the University, regardless of the funding source.
Space is assigned to administrative units of the University as required to meet their programmatic needs. As these needs evolve and change, the need for space will be evaluated, and recommendations for changes in the configuration and allocation of space will be reviewed and approved as set forth in this Policy and the Procedures Supplemental to University Policy 601.4, Integrated Space Management.
IV. Roles and Responsibilities
Detailed descriptions of the roles and responsibilities of the Office of Space Management, the Space Planning Advisory Committee (SPACe), the Space Steering Committee (SSC), and the Chancellor are included in the Procedures Supplemental to University Policy 601.4, Integrated Space Management. Generally, the roles and responsibilities of those parties are as follows:
1. Chancellor
The Chancellor or their designee has the final authority regarding all decisions about the use and allocation of space.
2. Office of Space Management
This Policy is administered by the Office of Space Management. The Office of Space Management will evaluate all requests for:
- New space
- Space allocation
- Space reallocation
- Space alteration
- Space renovation
3. Space Planning Advisory Committee
The Space Planning Advisory Committee (SPACe) is responsible for considering the immediate and long-range space needs of the University, proposing solutions to address needs, and evaluating space requests submitted to the Office of Space Management. SPACe forwards its recommendations for space proposals of 1,000 square feet or greater to the Space Steering Committee for review.
4. Space Steering Committee
The Space Steering Committee (SSC) advises the Chancellor on all matters pertaining to campus space planning and use in relation to strategic priorities. The SSC reviews all recommendations regarding proposed space use and forwards its recommendations to the Chancellor for review.
V. Procedures
Specific procedures for allocation, reallocation, use, change in use, alteration, construction, and renovation of University space and details about the governance structure for decisions pursuant to this Policy are included in the Procedures Supplemental to University Policy 601.4, Integrated Space Management. The Office of Space Management is responsible for reviewing and updating the supplemental procedures to ensure they are current and accurate.
VI. Guiding Principles
- Space is a limited University resource and is not owned by divisions, departments, or current occupants.
- Space allocations are made in alignment with the University’s priorities, Institutional Plan, and the strategic plans of departments and divisions.
- All future commitments of apace made as part of recruiting, hiring, grant proposals, and new programs are contingent upon approval through the process detailed in the Procedures Supplemental to University Policy 601.4, Integrated Space Management.
- Space allocation and reallocation procedures will be transparent and involve the affected occupants in the process.
- When evaluating the suitability of space for space allocations, possible future uses, and anticipated or current construction/renovation will be considered.
- Shared use of space should be promoted to improve utilization.
- When a college, school, department, unit or program relocates to newly acquired or constructed facilities, the vacated space will be reallocated through the process detailed in the Procedures Supplemental to University Policy 601.4, Integrated Space Management.
- Each college, school, department, unit, or program is responsible for ensuring that the space allocated to it is being used for the purpose for which it was originally approved.
- Classrooms and laboratories should be used for regularly scheduled, academic-credit courses. Any other use must be secondary to that purpose.
- Programs and departments serving students and faculty will be located for the convenience of their constituents as practicable.
- Decisions about space use and allocation will promote the effective and optimal use of space.
- Space use will support the University’s goals for sustainability and will maximize the efficient use of resources.
- Space planning and use will be based on the:
- UNC Charlotte Master Plan
- UNC Charlotte Design and Construction Manual
- UNC Charlotte Space Guidelines
All University of North Carolina Charlotte facilities and buildings, inclusive of all space contained within, are considered assets belonging to the University as a whole. To promote the highest and best use of University space, the University – through delegated authority of the Chancellor – assigns space to specific users for defined periods of time. The University periodically reviews all campus space allocations, assesses space utilization, and constructs, acquires, and reallocates space as necessary to support the University’s academic and strategic priorities and associated plans.
- Initially approved as Policy Statement #11 in 1979
- Rescinded October 12, 1992
- Revised, new policy number assigned, and approved August 28, 1995
- Revised March 20, 2007
- Updated January 28, 2011
- Revised July 11, 2013
- Revised March 14, 2017
- Updated July 19, 2021
Authority: Chancellor
Responsible Office: Business Affairs
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