This policy sets standards for responsible use of the University website, web page format, accessibility, links to non-University websites, use of the University name and registered marks on the University website, hosting of websites for external entities, University data, and individual web pages on the University website.
I. Policy
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte recognizes the value and potential of the Web as a tool to support and communicate the University’s mission as North Carolina’s urban research institution. Therefore, faculty, staff, students, and academic and administrative units are encouraged to take full advantage of the technology available to sustain that mission.
The UNC Charlotte homepage is intended to welcome visitors and serve as an institutional access point for prospective and current students, employees, alumni, and interested members of the public. It is intended to provide information that addresses University constituents and their needs and interests and to serve as a communication vehicle for introducing and leveraging the UNC Charlotte brand to enhance the University’s standing in higher education.
II. Web Page Standards
A. Definition of University Web Page
A “University web page” is a page created or maintained by or on behalf of the University or an office, department or division of the University environment.
B. Responsible Use
All University web pages must comply with the Office of OneIT Standard for Responsible Use and other related University policies. Additionally, University web pages should be reviewed at least once per year by the site manager for that web page.
C. Web Page Format
All University web pages:
- Should be constructed using the University standard content management system (CMS.) Web pages constructed in an alternate CMS due to technical requirements not supported by the University standard content management system must be approved by University Communications and must adhere to University branding guidelines.
- Templates are to be provided online and created and approved through University Communications in the Division of University Advancement.
- Faculty pages are not covered by CMS templates but must use the University logo in accordance with University branding guidelines.
- Must coordinate the development of new web pages through University Communications, Web Communications, and OneIT, whether the pages are created in-house or using an approved vendor.
- Must adhere to the current version of the University’s Web Standards Guide.
Failure to adhere to these formatting requirements may result in the web page’s removal from University servers.
D. Accessibility
UNC Charlotte is required to provide reasonable access to its educational services, programs, and activities in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, and North Carolina state law (N.C. Gen. Stat. § 168A-7). Accordingly, University web pages and online instructional material should be accessible to disabled persons where possible, or a reasonable alternative accommodation should be offered. Assistance in designing accessible web pages is available from University Communications, Disability Services and OneIT.
E. Links to Non-University Websites
Links to non-University websites should be related to the subject matter of the referring page.
Placement of advertising or links to commercial websites on University web pages is generally prohibited. However, the Vice Chancellor for University Advancement or their designee has the authority to approve advertising or links to commercial websites if:
- A University web page that is core to the mission of the University requires maintenance or resources that exceed University capabilities or internal allocations;
- A commercial link is used in an Internet bibliography;
- A commercial link constitutes an acknowledgement of funding sources, proprietary technologies, or website developer, but only if used in a manner that does not detract from the educational or administrative purpose of the University web page; such acknowledgements must not constitute and should not imply an endorsement by the University;
- A commercial link is deemed appropriate as part of a contractual obligation by the Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs, in consultation with the Vice Chancellor for University Advancement or their designee.
Any page linking to a non-University website must include an appropriate disclaimer providing that the University does not endorse or take any responsibility for the content of the external site.
As a general rule, links to non-University websites should open a new tab or browser window whenever possible.
F. Use of University Name and Registered Marks
The University logo, or approved logo sub-brands, on University web pages is appropriate for the use of any University academic or administrative unit. These logos may not be modified in any way. The logos may not be used on an individual’s personal (non-University) web page. University athletic logos may be used only by the Department of Athletics or with the express written permission of that department. All logo use questions should be directed to University Communications.
G. Hosting Websites for External Entities
Websites for entities such as professional associations, consortiums, or journals that are not University units, University affiliates, or registered student organizations may be hosted on University servers only when the entity has a relationship with the University that supports the University's mission and only upon approval of the Director of University Communications and the University Chief Information Officer. Such a relationship may be demonstrated by one or more of the following circumstances:
- The entity is an organization of which the University itself is a member.
- The entity is an organization of which a faculty or staff member is a member, and the relevant department chair, director, or vice chancellor approves the hosting as being in support of the University’s mission.
- The University has, or enters into, a contractual relationship with the entity for hosting its website.
H. University Data
Units with University web pages that refer to data maintained by another unit should coordinate access and use with the Information Custodian for such data in compliance with University Policy 311, Information Security.
Dynamic information (course enrollment, tuition, directory information, etc.) should be retrieved from the appropriate University operational database.
When time-sensitive data is published, the effective term or expiration date of such data should be stated.
I. Single University Web Pages
Authors are solely responsible for the content of single University web pages. However, if the content or appearance violate Office of OneIT Standard for Responsible Use, the Code of Student Responsibility, or any other University policy, the University reserves the right to remove the page in question from University servers, discontinue the site manager’s account, and take such other action as may be necessary in its discretion.
III. University Social Media
Official University Social Media Accounts are subject to the requirements in University Policy 317, Social Media Policy.
IV. Policy Management
The Chancellor has appointed the Vice Chancellor for University Advancement to administer, interpret, and enforce the standards for the World Wide Web established herein through implementation and management of the centralized web CMS.
- Initially approved by the Board of Trustees and authority to revise delegated to the Chancellor, September 27, 2002;
- Revised by the Chancellor August 29, 2008
- Revised February 16, 2012
- Revised September 28, 2020
- Updated July 19, 2021
Authority: Chancellor
Responsible Office: University Advancement
Related Resources:
- Standard for Responsible Use
- University branding guidelines
- Social Media Best Practices
- Web Standards Guide
- University Policy 311, Information Security
- University Policy 406, Code of Student Responsibility