Use of University Supplies, Equipment, Technology, Phones, and Other Resources

University Policy: 

I. Policy

A. Use of University Resources

1. Personal Use of University Resources

The University provides a wide variety of resources for use by University employees, including supplies, equipment, materials, computers, networks, software, printers, office telephones, cellular phones, and office facilities. As specified in University Policy 804, Standards of Ethical Conduct, University resources are to be used solely for activities on behalf of the University. They may not be used for private gain or personal purposes except in limited circumstances permitted by existing policy, where incidental personal use does not conflict with and is reasonable in relation to University duties (e.g. telephones and limited use of Electronic Communications Systems.)

Reasonable and incidental personal use of University resources is authorized only so long as:

  1. the University incurs no additional cost from that use other than the minimal cost incurred from ordinary wear and tear, and the use of minimal amounts of other resources (e.g., ink, toner, or paper);
  2. the use does not inappropriately interfere with or reduce the hours worked by the employee;
  3. the use does not preclude others with work-related needs from using the resources; and
  4. the use does not violate any applicable laws, regulations, or other University Policies. 

When the University incurs no additional costs or only negligible additional costs from the personal use of a University resource, reasonable and incidental personal use of the resource is permissible, but supervisors and employees are responsible for ensuring that University resources are primarily used for University business purposes and for keeping personal use to a minimum. 

2. Improper Use of University Resources

Examples of improper uses of University resources may include, but are not limited to:  

  • Any personal use that could reasonably be expected to cause congestion on, or disruption of, Electronic Communications Systems
  • Use for private income-producing activities or for other commercial purposes (e.g., consulting services or sales of goods or services);  
  • Using University Electronic Communications Systems, services, or funds (including P-cards) for personal purchases; 
  • Uses that are unlawful, such as improperly copying licensed or copyrighted software materials, or using any resources acquired for a sponsored project for personal purposes;   
  • Use of University resources to conduct activities on behalf of or against any candidate for public office, political party, or political action committee (see policies and guidance on political activities of employees); and 
  • Uses that violate other University Policies or guidelines. 

University employees who have any doubt about the propriety of a projected personal use of University resources should consult with their supervisor prior to such use.

B. Required Resources

To ensure operational integrity, all permanent employees are required to be assigned a University phone number associated with their position, whether connected to a physical handset or a virtual client (VOIP service). Vice Chancellors, Deans, Directors, and Chairs are responsible for ensuring that employees in their units are assigned a University phone number associated with their position. Any requests for exceptions to this requirement must be submitted to the Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs.