Two copies of all published material issued by the University must be sent to the University Archives by the Printing Department when the job is completed.
I. Policy
In order to preserve a permanent record of UNC Charlotte’s history in the University Archives and Atkins Library on the UNC Charlotte campus and in designated depository libraries across the State of North Carolina, each University department, college, school, and program is required to deposit copies of its publications in the University Archives and the North Carolina Publications Clearinghouse (Raleigh) as provided in the procedures set forth below.
II. Procedures
A. University Archives
1. Deposit Requirements
In accordance with the UNC Charlotte Records Retention and Disposition Schedule, approved on March 16, 1970, each department, college, school, and program must deposit two (2) copies of all materials it publishes, except for the exclusions listed below, with University Archives in Atkins Library. In all cases, the cost of the copies and mailing is to be paid by the sponsoring department, college, school, or program.
2. Exclusions
The following materials are excluded from the requirement of deposit with University Archives:
- Letterhead and Envelopes
- Business Cards
- Routine forms and form letters
- Invitations
B. North Carolina State Publications Clearinghouse
1. Deposit Requirements
The North Carolina State Publications Clearinghouse (the Clearinghouse) is responsible for collecting, classifying, cataloging, and distributing the publications of State agencies through the depository system. In accordance with N.C.G.S. Section 125-11 and the North Carolina State Documents Depository System Handbook for State Agencies, each department, college, school, and program must deposit with the Clearinghouse ten (10) copies of all materials it publishes that are not for sale and five (5) copies of all materials it publishes that are for sale, except for the exclusions listed below. Deposits must be made within ten (10) days of publication to the North Carolina State Publications Clearinghouse, State Library of North Carolina, 4643 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC27699-4643. The sponsoring department, college, school, or program must complete the appropriate transmittal and other forms, and include all such forms with the materials it deposits with the Clearinghouse. All forms related to this Policy are also available from the Director of Publications and Printing Services, who is the UNC Charlotte Publications Officer for the purposes of the Clearinghouse requirements and this Policy. Copies of all forms should also be sent to the Publications Officer. In all cases, the cost of the copies and mailing is to be paid by the sponsoring department, college, school, or program.
2. Exclusions
Non-print published materials, such as videos, films, sound recordings, and computer format materials must be listed on the appropriate form but not deposited. The following categories of documents are excluded from the requirement of deposit with the Clearinghouse:
- Activity announcements
- Calendars of current single or multiple events which will occur within three months of issuance (annual calendars of events are not exempt)
- News releases
- Published versions of radio or television spots (published speeches are not exempt)
- Manuals or handbooks for internal office staff use or training
- Intra-office or inter-office memorandums or administrative documents
- Contracts
- Unit and section budget requests
- Individual forms
- Separately published job announcements
- Meeting agendas
- Meeting minutes
- Concert, drama, or dance programs (exhibition catalogs are not exempt)
- Class schedules, seminar announcements (college Bulletins or Catalogs are not exempt)
- Daily student newspapers
3. Responsibilities of the Publications Officer
The Publications Officer must notify all University departments, colleges, schools, and programs at least annually of the requirements under this Policy and must provide them with copies of the transmittal and other Clearinghouse forms, upon request. The Publications Officer is responsible for receiving copies of all completed transmittal and other applicable forms that have been to submitted the Clearinghouse. The Publications Officer must supply to the Clearinghouse semiannually a complete list of the University’s publications issued within the previous six months on the Semiannual Publications List Form provided by the Clearinghouse. Such semiannual lists are due on July 15 and January 15 of each year.
Initially approved November 27, 1978
Revised May 25, 2001
Authority: Chancellor
Responsible Office: Advancement
Related Resources:
Clearinghouse forms