Personal Identification Policy

University Policy: 

I. Scope

This Policy applies to all individuals who are present on University Property.

II. Policy Statement

To maintain an open campus that is safe and secure, it is important that Authorized University Employees are able to identify individuals on University Property and to ensure that their presence is for a legitimate purpose.

A. Identification

While UNC Charlotte is a public university and its campus is generally open to the public, certain areas, privileges, and responsibilities require distinguishing employees and students from visitors.  Accordingly, all UNC Charlotte employees and students are required to carry their Charlotte 49er ID Card (either physical or mobile) or other form of government-issued identification (e.g., driver’s license) with them at all times while on University Property.  Visitors or invitees are expected to carry their government-issued identification while on University Property.

Individuals may be asked to present their 49er ID Card or government-issued identification or must otherwise establish their identity to the satisfaction of an Authorized University Employee for various purposes on University Property, such as accessing buildings; accessing the library and computing/electronic resources; accessing recreational facilities; attending athletic events, entertainment events, or conferences; or upon request by an Authorized University Employee for safety and security purposes.

B. Masks

No individual on University Property may wear a mask or other device that disguises their person, face, or voice in order to conceal their identity unless permitted under N.C. General Statute 14-12.11, which includes exceptions for traditional holiday costumes in season; employment where a mask is worn for the safety of the employee; masks in theatrical productions; and medical or surgical grade masks for the purpose of preventing the spread of contagious disease.

Consistent with N.C. General Statute 14-12.11(c), any individual on University Property wearing a medical or surgical grade mask for the purpose of preventing the spread of contagious disease must (i) remove the mask upon request by a law enforcement officer, or (ii) temporarily remove the mask upon request by an Authorized University Employee to allow for identification of the individual.

III. Definitions

University Property means any property owned, leased, or controlled by UNC Charlotte.

Authorized University Employee means all UNC Charlotte Police & Public Safety Officers, members of the Demonstration Activity Resource Team (DART), and any other University employee authorized by the Associate Vice Chancellor for Safety and Security to enforce this Policy.

IV. Compliance

Only Authorized University Employees may request identification or the removal of a mask under this Policy.

Individuals who violate the requirements of this Policy may be required by Police & Public Safety to immediately leave University Property and/or be trespassed from University Property due to safety concerns.

Students and employees who violate the requirements of this Policy will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with applicable University Policies, including the Code of Student Responsibility and applicable personnel policies.

Any individual who violates North Carolina law may be detained or arrested by law enforcement and/or trespassed from University Property.

Revision History: 

●     Initially approved August 8, 2024

Authority: Chancellor

Responsible Office: Business Affairs

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