This policy has been updated to reflect current practice. University Policy 202 was initially revised in May 2007 due to changes made in the course schedule and class meeting times. After the policy change, there remained significant confusion surrounding final examination schedules. As a result, in Spring 2009 the Office of the Registrar worked with members of the faculty to develop recommendations to resolve the issues related to the final exam schedule. The resulting recommendation, endorsed by the Associate Deans Council, removed the need for department chairs and associate deans to be involved in the process of changing final exam times. This became the “practice” beginning in Fall 2009 and has worked smoothly since then. In addition, an electronic Final Examination Conflict form has eliminated the need for students to obtain the form from the Office of Registrar in person. Finally, the changes also include reference to the related Academic Calendar policy and the Faculty Council’s recent motion that no activities be required on Reading Day.