Revision of University Policy 102.13, Tenure Policies

Effective Date: 
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

University Policy 102.13, Tenure Policies, Regulations, and Procedures, has been revised to improve the clarity and consistency of the RPT process and documents.  These revisions include (a) adding the definition of “dossier” and (b) clarifying what is contained in the “review file." In addition, these revisions remove the Chancellor from the review process to reflect current practice of the Provost making final reappointment, promotion, and tenure decisions, with appeals of those decisions going to the Chancellor.  These revisions were approved by the UNC Charlotte Board of Trustees on December 4, 2014 and by the President of The University of North Carolina (as required by Section 602 of the Code of the University of North Carolina) on May 20, 2015.