Applicable to employees exempt from the State Personnel Act, this policy tracks State law and Board of Governors rules that require applicants for employment to be honest in representing their credentials and other qualifications when they apply for University employment. The applicant must sign a promise to that effect included as part of the employment application. UNC Charlotte administrators must keep certain records showing that they have verified credentials and other job qualifications. If fraud or misrepresentation is discovered, the applicant must be dropped from consideration. An employee who falsifies such information and thereby receives employment is subject to dismissal.
State law prohibits the fraudulent disclosure and willful nondisclosure of information related to application for state employment. It is the policy of the University to comply with those requirements.
A. Employment Subject to the State Personnel Act
The Director of Personnel is assigned responsibility for compliance with state regulations in this area as established and published by the Office of State Human Resources.
B. Employment Exempt from the State Personnel Act
Each vice chancellor shall be responsible within the respective divisions for compliance with numbered paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Board of Governors regulations implementing the state law as set forth in Regulation 300.2.3[R] Regulations Governing Fraudulent Job Applications.
Where no application form is used in connection with the position, the vice chancellor shall be responsible for assuring that each applicant interviewed in connection with a position has signed a statement containing the language in paragraph 1 of the regulations.
For willful falsification of credentials or other information significantly related to job qualifications or responsibilities or the willful nondisclosure of information significantly related to job qualifications or responsibilities, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte adopts the sanctions listed at numbered paragraphs 3(a) and 3(b) of the Board of Governors regulations. Such sanctions will be imposed on employees by the University only in accord with applicable procedural safeguards, as provided in 3(b)(3). of those regulations.
- Initially approved March 28, 1988
- Updated January 7, 2019
Authority: Chancellor
Responsible Office: Business Affairs
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