Senior Academic and Administrative Officers

University Policy: 
Executive Summary: 

UNC Board of Governors Policy 300.1.1 establishes certain conditions of employment for those individuals classified as senior administrative officers at the University.

I. Definition of “Senior Academic and Administrative Officers”

On April 12, 2001, the Board of Governors of The University of North Carolina revised its policies concerning senior academic and administrative officers of The University of North Carolina (Policy 300.1.1, hereinafter “Policies”). Those Policies, as amended, incorporated into this Policy as Attachment A, apply to those positions at The University of North Carolina at Charlotte that the Board of Governors has designated as “Senior Academic and Administrative Officers.” The Board of Governors has divided its classification of Senior Academic and Administrative Officers into two categories. At UNC Charlotte, those categories are identified as Tier I and Tier II Senior Academic and Administrative Officers (SAAOs).

The Board of Governors has designated the following positions at The University of North Carolina at Charlotte as Tier I SAAOs:

  1. Chancellor
  2. Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
  3. Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs
  4. Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer
  5. Vice Chancellor for University Advancement
  6. Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development
  7. Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
  8. Vice Chancellor for Institutional Integrity and General Counsel
  9. University Librarian  
  10. Dean, Graduate School and Associate Provost for Graduate Programs
  11. Dean, College of Arts + Architecture
  12. Dean, College of Humanities & Earth and Social Sciences
  13. Dean, Klein College of Science
  14. Dean, Belk College of Business
  15. Dean, College of Computing and Informatics 
  16. Dean, Cato College of Education
  17. Dean, William States Lee College of Engineering
  18. Dean, College of Health and Human Services
  19. Dean, University College

Tier II SAAOs are defined as associate and assistant vice chancellors; associate and assistant deans; and other administrative positions specifically approved by the Board of Governors (other than those identified as Tier I SAAOs above), including

  1. members of the Chancellor's professional staff;

  2. those responsible for the administrative direction of separately designated divisions or departments of institutional activity commonly associated with institutions of higher education;

  3. those positions whose primary responsibility is to attract external funds for and/or market the University; and

  4. other officers holding positions characterized by active, continuing involvement in formulating, interpreting, and implementing institutional policy and exercising substantial independence of administrative authority and discretion in areas such as program planning and design and allocation or resources.  

The current list of Tier I and Tier II SAAO positions is available on the HR position management website.

II. Subject Matter of the Policies

The Board of Governors’ Policies cover the following subjects with regard to Tier I SAAOs:

  1. Appointments and Discontinuation of Appointments
  2. Compensation
  3. Equal Employment Opportunity
  4. Political Activity
  5. Holiday and Leave Entitlement
  6. Educational Entitlement
  7. Statutory and Other Rules of Employment
  8. Retirement

The policies applicable to Tier II SAAOs, set forth in Section II of the Policies, are identical to those policies applicable to Tier II SAAOs set forth in University Policy 102.7, “Personnel Policies for Designated Employment Exempt from the State Personnel Act,” and its attachments.

III. Institutional Policies and Procedures

As required by the Policies, UNC Charlotte establishes the following institutional policies and procedures:

  1. Definition of the term “year”:  The term “year” for purposes of the leave provisions of the Policies is the calendar year, January 1 through December 31.

  2. Leave advances: Subject to their supervisor’s approval, a Tier I or Tier II SAAO may be advanced the amount of annual leave or sick leave that can be accrued during the remainder of the year or during a twelve-month period. (See UNC Charlotte Personnel Information Memorandum #3.)

  3. Transfers of accrued annual leave: The University does not accept transfers of accrued annual leave from other UNC constituent institutions or State or local governmental agencies. Upon discontinuation of employment by UNC Charlotte, a Tier I or Tier II SAAO shall receive a payout of accrued annual leave.

  4. Payout of accrued annual leave: If an employee’s status changes from EHRA to SHRA (covered by the State Personnel Act), payout of accrued annual leave shall be pursuant to the applicable policy set forth in the State Policy Manual.

  5. Review of employment decisions and grievances: A Tier II SAAO may secure review of a decision concerning discharge for cause or other disciplinary action, or of a grievance concerning the interpretation and application of any provision of the Policies pursuant to the procedures set forth in University Policy 102.7, “Personnel Policies for Designated Employment Exempt from the State Personnel Act.”


University of North Carolina Board of Governors Policy on Senior Academic and Administrative Officers

Revision History: 
  • Initially approved December 15, 1986
  • Revised May 23, 1994
  • Revised June 4, 1999
  • Revised January 20, 2000
  • Revised September 28, 2001
  • Revised December 10, 2002
  • Revised September 27, 2004
  • Updated November 29, 2004
  • Updated January 24, 2007
  • Updated January 31, 2011
  • Updated July 5, 2012
  • Updated August 6, 2014
  • Updated July 19, 2021
  • Updated September 27, 2023

Authority: Chancellor

Responsible Office: Institutional Integrity

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