UNC Charlotte has a fleet of State-owned vehicles to provide necessary transportation for official business that is sanctioned and sponsored by the University. This policy lists the category of persons who are eligible to drive State-owned vehicles and lists conditions for use of those vehicles.
I. Purpose
This policy defines conditions for use of State-owned vehicles.
II. Background
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte maintains a fleet of vehicles for servicing the campus (Service Vehicles, as defined in University Policy 604.3, Service Vehicles on Campus) and to provide transportation for the conduct of official business (Motor Fleet Vehicles and University Vans). State-owned vehicles include Service Vehicles and Motor Fleet Vehicles. Use of any State-owned vehicle requires adherence to State Motor Fleet Management regulations (http://www.ncmotorfleet.com/regmanual.aspx).
III. Authorized Use
Official University business only.
IV. Procedures
A. Driver Responsibility
- Only UNC Charlotte faculty, staff, or student employees may drive a State-owned vehicle.
- The driver is responsible for the vehicle and for all passengers in the vehicle at all times.
- The driver must have a valid, current driver’s license.
- The driver must adhere to any restrictions applied to their license.
B. Student Employees
Use of State-owned vehicles by UNC Charlotte student employees requires written authorization by one of the following:
- For academic and administrative support activities, written approval is required by the appropriate department chairperson, dean or vice chancellor;
- For student activities, written approval is required by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs or designated alternate;
- For athletics-related activities, written approval is required by the Director of Athletics.
Record keeping of written approvals is the responsibility of the department granting the approval.
C. Service Vehicles
Use of Service Vehicles must be in accordance with University Policy 604.3, Service Vehicles on Campus.
D. Motor Fleet Management Vehicles
These vehicles (usually sedans or station wagons) may be driven only by faculty, staff and student employees of the University, or by drivers for blind or permanently disabled state employees. In addition, these vehicles may be driven by graduate students whose educational training requires the use of such vehicles.
An accompanying passenger may assist with driving these vehicles only if they are a faculty, staff, or student employee of the University.
E. University Vehicles not Subject to Motor Fleet Management Control
These vehicles (usually University vans) may be driven by faculty, staff, and student employees. An accompanying passenger may assist with driving these vehicles only if they are a faculty, staff, or student employee of the University.
Drivers must complete the 15-passenger van training. Information on obtaining the certification can be found on the Risk Management and Insurance website.
Drivers of vehicles designed to transport at least sixteen persons, including the driver, must also possess a valid North Carolina Class C Commercial Drivers License (CDL).
V. Departmental Requirements
A department may specify additional requirements for use of State-owned vehicles under its control, so long as any such requirements are not in conflict with this Policy. When a vehicle is loaned from one department to another, the loaning department may prescribe additional rules at its discretion, so long as any such rules are not in conflict with this Policy.
- Initially approved January 14, 1986
- Revised January 25, 1988
- Revised October 13, 1997
- Revised August 24, 1998
- Revised April 5, 1999
- Revised November 29, 2011
- Updated January 4, 2021
- Updated July 19, 2021
Authority: Chancellor
Responsible Office: Business Affairs