This policy governs the use of "Service Vehicles" on campus.
I. Purpose
To establish a policy for the safe use of service vehicles on Campus.
II. Scope
This Policy applies to all types and makes of Service Vehicles, as defined below. To the extent that this Policy may conflict with the current Ordinance Governing Parking, Traffic, and the Registration of Motor Vehicles for the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (“Ordinance”), the Ordinance prevails.
III. Definitions
A. Service Vehicles.
Service Vehicles are any means of transportation owned by the University, other State agency or contractor that are used on Campus in the conduct of University business, including, but not limited to, the following:
- Utility/golf carts;
- Other "unlicensed off-the-road vehicles";
- Three (3), four (4), and six (6) wheel vehicles;
- Electric or gas powered, and alternative fuel vehicles used for transportation of people, equipment, products, etc.;
- Segways; and
- Vehicles of contractors or vendors working on Campus.
Admissions Tour Trams operated by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions are not considered Service Vehicles for the purposes of this Policy.
B. Campus.
Campus means all property owned or leased by the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
C. Central Area of Campus.
The Central Area of Campus is: The academic core of campus bounded by Rowe, Colvard South, Reese, Cone Center, Atkins Library, Burson, Cameron Applied Research Center,McEniry, Fretwell, Denny, and Storrs buildings, as well as campus pathways adjacent to Barnhardt (SAC &Halton Arena), Miltimore-Wallis Center, Woodward, College of Education, Health & Human Services, and the Plaza common to College of Education, and Health & Human Services.
IV. Policy
A. Only Service Vehicles essential to maintaining and servicing University facilities and academic functions may be operated on Campus.
B. Only trained, authorized representatives of the University may operate Service Vehicles on Campus.
C. Any operator of a Service Vehicle must have a valid North Carolina Driver’s License.
D. All operators of Service Vehicles are subject to the Motor Vehicle Review Policy established by the University’s Office of Risk Management and Insurance.
E. Pedestrians have the right-of-way on all walkways of the Campus at all times.
F. Service Vehicles may not be used in “Off Limits Areas” or during restricted times as indicated on the attached map. A durable copy of the Service Vehicle restriction map must be kept in every Service Vehicle.
G. All Service Vehicles must avoid travel in the Central Area of Campus and pedestrian routes to and from the Residence Halls areas during class changing.
H. Service Vehicles may not use the Central Area of Campus for across-campus travel. (i.e., Physical Plant to high-rise Residence Halls, etc.).
I. While traveling on Campus roads, all motor vehicle laws must be observed.
J. If a Service Vehicle is required to be in the Central Area of Campus when pedestrians are present, speeds must be reduced to a walking pace. The Service Vehicle operator must either stop or move out of the way when there are groups of people in its path, even if the Service Vehicle has to leave the sidewalk and drive on the grass.
K. Service Vehicles must be parked so as not to obstruct normal egress from buildings or block exits, handicapped ramps or paths of pedestrian travel on sidewalks. Service Vehicles may be parked only in designated areas as shown on the implementing instructions attached or in the loading dock service area of a building (but may not block access to refuse dumpsters). Service Vehicles must be parked in accordance with Facilities Management Standard Operating Procedure #2 (Authorized Service Vehicle Parking Areas). Grounds vehicles may access restricted areas and park outside designated parking locations as required to perform landscaping and maintenance activities.
L. Equipment must be loaded onto Service Vehicles so as not to create a hazard to pedestrians. No equipment may be loaded on a Utility Cart that exceeds the width of the cart or exceeds load capacity.
M. Passengers in a Service Vehicle must be seated at all times, and passenger capacity or other published safety considerations proposed by the manufacturer of a Service Vehicle may never be exceeded/violated.
N. Under no circumstances may a Service Vehicle be used to tow any equipment, unless properly equipped to do so (i.e., trailer hitches, etc.).
O. When riding in a Service Vehicle all hands and feet must be kept in the vehicle.
P. All Service Vehicles must have a department letter and a number assigned, which must be affixed to the front and the rear of the vehicle. The letter and numbers must be a minimum of four (4) inches high and contrast with the color of the vehicle so they can be easily seen.
Q. Contractors must park only in areas designated for them by Parking Services. Facilities Management Project Managers/Coordinators are responsible for informing contractors of designated parking areas and of the provisions of this Policy.
R. SafeRide vehicles and campus tour trams may access restricted areas when loading or unloading disabled passengers in order to travel to an accessible building entrance.
S. Service Vehicles may not drive on or across athletic fields unless necessary to provide service on those fields.
V. Responsibilities
A. Each Department is responsible for disseminating this Policy, training all operators of Service Vehicles, and insuring that appropriate corrective actions are taken when violations of this policy are reported. Violations are considered Job Performance issues, and disciplinary action may be taken. This policy is also incorporated in the University Traffic Ordinance. Service Vehicle operators are subject to Campus Civil Penalty Citations. Citations may be issued to the operator of the Service Vehicle or to the responsible Department. Service Vehicles parked in or blocking handicap spaces or pathways will be cited for a Handicap Violation.
B. The operators of Service Vehicles are responsible for the safe operation of the vehicle and adherence to the policies in Section IV above.
C. In instances where the use of a Service Vehicle is in violation of this policy, and the Service Vehicle can beidentified, the policy violation will be referred to the responsible Department Head. In other instances, the violations should be referred to the Department of Police and Public Safety.
D. Any accident involving a Service Vehicle must be reported to Police and Public Safety immediately and an accident report form completed for every incident regardless of amount of damage (see University Policy 604.4, Vehicle Maintenance).
E. Each department is responsible for maintaining the safe operation of its Service Vehicles. The Facilities Management Department must notify the Environmental Health and Safety Office of any uncorrected mechanical hazards or unapproved accessories on Service Vehicles.
F. Departments inviting or requiring vehicles of contractors or vendors on campus are responsible for ensuring that those contractor or vendor vehicles are provided with durable copy of the Service Vehicle restriction map.
- Initially approved January 5, 1987;
- Revised October 29, 2001;
- Revised November 9, 2010;
- Revised December 20, 2010
- Updated March 15, 2011
- Updated January 4, 2021
Authority: Chancellor
Responsible Office: Business Affairs