This Policy outlines criteria necessary for one to be considered for emeritus status. It also discusses conditions of appointment, procedure, privileges, and allocation of departmental resources.
I. Policy
Emeritus status is an honor and a mark of distinction granted to fully retired faculty members and certain Senior Academic or Administrative Officers (SAAOs) whose service has been characterized by high professional achievement and who have given sustained, outstanding service to the University. Retired faculty members may be awarded an emeritus title corresponding to their rank. Retired SAAOs may be awarded an emeritus title corresponding to their last administrative title prior to retirement.
II. Eligibility
Any individual meeting the following criteria may be considered for emeritus status:
- A faculty member with permanent tenure who has, for a period of no fewer than ten consecutive years at UNC Charlotte, held an appointment in the professorial faculty ranks or an individual who has held a Special Faculty Appointment at UNC Charlotte for a period of no fewer than ten consecutive years. In extraordinary circumstances, the length of service may be waived by the Chancellor;
- A Tier I SAAO who has held that position for a period of no fewer than ten consecutive years and, in exceptional cases, a Tier II SAAO who has served the University for a period of no fewer than 25 consecutive years. In extraordinary circumstances, the length of service may be waived by the Board of Trustees for a Tier I SAAO or by the Chancellor for a Tier II SAAO; or
- Any individual appointed to the position of Chancellor on a permanent (not interim) basis for a period of no fewer than five consecutive years. The length of service may be waived by the Board of Trustees in its sole discretion.
To be eligible for emeritus status, the faculty member, SAAO, or Chancellor who meets the criteria above must have retired or effectively retired from the University. Those who resign from the University to enter phased retirement and who otherwise meet one of the criteria above when they entered phased retirement will be eligible for emeritus status consideration at the end of their phased retirement term. “Retirement” is defined by UNC Charlotte Human Resources as an employee who separates from UNC Charlotte and starts their mandatory retirement plan benefits from their Teachers’ and State Employees’ Retirement System (TSERS) via pension payments or Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) account via distributions.
Individuals who meet the criteria outlined above but who resign from the University without retiring are not eligible to be considered for emeritus status unless granted an exception under extraordinary circumstances by the Chancellor (for faculty or Tier II SAAO) or Board of Trustees (for Tier I SAAO or Chancellor).
III. Procedures for Faculty
All recommendations for emeritus status for eligible faculty must be initiated at the department level via the following procedure:
- Upon retirement, a faculty member may submit a request to the chair of their department to be considered for emeritus status, or upon receipt of notice of a faculty member’s retirement or the end of their phased retirement term, the chair may invite the faculty member to submit a current curriculum vitae for consideration for emeritus status. The chair may distribute the faculty member’s curriculum vitae to the departmental faculty and shall consult with the departmental faculty before determining whether to recommend conferment of emeritus status; however, the chair’s recommendation does not require the approval of departmental faculty.
- With the concurrence of the appropriate college dean, the chair shall forward a recommendation for emeritus status to the Provost.
- Award of emeritus status may be conferred by the Chancellor upon the recommendation of the Provost. The decision of the Chancellor is final in any instance of consideration.
IV. Procedures for Senior Academic and Administrative Officers and the Chancellor
- Tier I SAAOs: Upon retirement, an eligible Tier I SAAO may submit a request for consideration for emeritus status to the Chancellor, or upon receipt of notice of a Tier I SAAO’s retirement or the end of their phased retirement term, the Chancellor may invite the Tier I SAAO to submit a current curriculum vitae for consideration for emeritus status. The Chancellor shall determine whether to recommend conferral of emeritus status on the Tier I SAAO to the Board of Trustees. The decision of the Chancellor whether to recommend emeritus status is final. Award of emeritus status may be conferred by the Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of the Chancellor. The decision of the Board of Trustees whether to confer emeritus status on a Tier I SAAO is final in any instance of consideration.
- Tier II SAAOs: In recognition of exceptionally meritorious service and upon the recommendation of the appropriate Vice Chancellor or the Athletic Director, the Chancellor may confer emeritus status upon the retirement of an eligible Tier II SAAO. The decision of the Chancellor whether to confer emeritus status on a Tier II SAAO is final in any instance of consideration.
- Chancellor: The Board of Trustees will consider the conferral of emeritus status upon the retirement of an eligible Chancellor. The decision of the Board to confer emeritus status on a Chancellor is final in any instance of consideration.
V. Emeritus Privileges
Individuals who are conferred emeritus status may be granted the following privileges:
- A University identification card (49er ID Card and 49er Mobile ID);
- The use of University recreational facilities under the same conditions applicable to faculty and staff;
- The use of Library facilities and Library electronic resources under the same conditions applicable to faculty and staff;
- A University email account, subject to University Policy 304, Electronic Communication Systems;
- For faculty, inclusion in the University Catalogs, the Campus Directory, and all other formal listings of the faculty;
- Invitations to University Commencement and other similar events;
- The opportunity to purchase tickets for University athletic and cultural events at faculty/staff rates;
- Receipt of University and Alumni Publications;
- Campus parking at no charge; and
- The opportunity to purchase a light rail and bus transit pass on the same terms and conditions applicable to the faculty and staff.
Faculty members with emeritus status are not eligible to hold University office; sit on tenure, hearing or grievance committees; or vote in faculty elections.
The privileges listed in this section are courtesies and not entitlements. The Chancellor (for faculty and Tier II SAAOs) or Board of Trustees (for Tier I SAAOs or the Chancellor) may modify, supplement, or eliminate the privileges available to those holding emeritus status at any time and for any reason.
VI. Allocation of Departmental Resources to Emeritus Faculty
The University’s priority for office and research space must be for those who are current faculty members. Emeritus faculty members who remain professionally active may request that the department chair permit use of departmental resources. If in the chair’s judgment these professional activities demonstrably contribute to the mission of the University, the emeritus faculty has demonstrated a need, and if the circumstances permit, then the chair may recommend that the dean approve the allocation of office space and resources, which may include office supplies, use of equipment, and telephone and Internet access. Any approved allocation is subject to University Policy 601.1, University Supplies, Equipment, Technology, Phones, and Other Resources, including the prohibition on using University resources for private income-producing activities or for other commercial purposes (e.g., consulting services or sales of goods or services).
VII. Removal of Emeritus Status
Emeritus status is a permanent designation, unless the recipient either requests to rescind the status or violates the integrity of the emeritus honor. If an individual who has been awarded emeritus status is convicted of illegal activity or otherwise engages in conduct that, in the sole discretion of the University, is injurious to the reputation of the University, the individual’s emeritus status may be revoked by the Chancellor (for faculty and Tier II SAAOs) or Board of Trustees (for Tier I SAAOs or the Chancellor).
- Initially approved July 25, 1977
- Revised June 3, 1988
- Revised May 11, 2004
- Updated October 4, 2005
- Revised February 21, 2008
- Revised June 20, 2018
- Revised September 6, 2023
Authority: Chancellor
Responsible Office: Academic Affairs
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