New & Revised Policies

University Policy 101.8 , Personnel Records

  October 1, 2010

Status: Approved

These revisions reflect statutory amendments to NCGS §126-23 (pp.15-16) that went into effect October 1, 2010.

University Policy 601.12 , Acquisition and Disposition of Gift and Grant Property

  September 27, 2010

Status: Revised

This revision from Business Affairs updates department names and identifies the responsibilities for accountability as residing with the Controller’s Office.

University Policy 314, Centers and Institutes

  September 24, 2010

Status: Revised

This revision establishes (1) that centers and institutes at UNC Charlotte are established and discontinued by the Board of Trustees, rather than the Chancellor; (2) that the director of each new center or institute will be appointed in accordance with the procedures developed under this Policy; and (3) that the Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development will ensure that those procedures meet all requirements of Regulation 400.5[R] of The University of North Carolina.

University Policy 703, Environmental Health and Safety (EHS)

  September 23, 2010

Status: Revised

Revisions to this University Policy are necessary to conform to the restructuring of the Environmental Health & Safety unit within Risk Management Safety and Security.

University Policy 101.7 , Workers' Compensation

  September 14, 2010

Status: Revised

These revisions were recommended by Environmental Health and Safety to (1) reference the accident report form used by that office; (2) reference Personnel Information Memorandum #26; (3) clarify where employees should be treated when injured; and (4) provide information about the role of the state-selected third party administrator.

University Policy 409, Religious Accommodation for Students

  August 27, 2010

Status: Revised

This University Policy was developed in response to a recently-enacted North Carolina law, codified at NC General Statute 116-11(3a), which requires UNC Charlotte to (1) authorize a minimum of two excused absences each academic year for religious observances required by the faith of a student; and (2) provide students the opportunity to make up any tests or other work missed due to an excused absence for a religious observance. In order to facilitate compliance with this new law while mitigating the burden on faculty, the Policy establishes a procedure for students to request accommodations for religious observances through the submission of a request form prior to the census date of each semester. The final Policy will be issued in the near future.

University Policy 602.4 , University Receipts and Deposits

  August 18, 2010

Status: Revised

The revisions to this University Policy clarify the Daily Deposit Act requirements, ensure the University Policy is in accordance with our own Cash Management Plan, and remove the provisions regarding the need to inventory and account for preprinted ticket stock, since tickets for events conducted on campus are now generated through point of sale and other electronic methods.

University Policy 602.2 , Solicitation and Acceptance of Gifts

  August 3, 2010

Status: Revised

Revisions were made to this University Policy to clarify that all gift solicitations must be coordinated with and approved by the Development Office. The Development Office will consult with the relevant faculty when a proposed gift affects the academic curriculum. The policy also consolidates specific provisions applicable to gifts of materials to the Library’s Special Collections.

University Policy 601.8 , Appropriate Use of University Funds

  June 15, 2010

Status: Revised

This new University Policy identifies permissible and impermissible uses of various types of University funds.

University Policy 704, Animals on Campus

  March 9, 2010

Status: Revised

This University Policy has been revised and expanded to specifically address the presence on campus of service animals, service animals in training, domestic or therapy animals, and feral or wild animals. The Policy sets forth responsibilities of the campus community and certain officers on campus, as well as consequences for violation of the Policy.