New & Revised Policies

University Policy 102.1 , External Professional Activities of Faculty and Other Professional Staff

  January 22, 2013

Status: Revised

Revisions to this Policy and its supplemental Notice of Intent form are consistent with recent amendments to University Policy 102.2, Conflict of Interest and Commitment, and UNC Board of Governors’ Policy 300.2.2, Regulation 300.2.2.1[R] and Regulation 300.2.2.2[R]

University Policy 101.11 , Staff Employee of the Year

  January 9, 2013

Status: Revised

These revisions were necessary because the University has grown considerably in staff size over the years, requiring many employees to assume added responsibilities and workload to keep the campus functioning effectively. The revisions provide additional ways to recognize strong staff contributions, particularly during periods of budget austerity.

University Policy 503, [RESCINDED - Fighting Words Harassment in the University Community]

  September 3, 2012

Status: Revised

University Policy 503 has been revised to add, “gender identity or expression” to the list of derogatory references and to add language notifying employees and students where to file a complaint of alleged fighting words harassment.

University Policy 101.24 , Conflicts of Interest and Commitment

  August 24, 2012

Status: Revised

This Policy has been revised to bring it into compliance with both the Public Health Service (PHS) policy and UNC Board of Governors Policy 300.2.2.

University Policy 407, Code of Student Academic Integrity

  August 22, 2012

Status: Revised

Revisions to University Policy 407 include an increase in the size of the Academic Integrity Board, adding provisions addressing group work and work done outside the context of an academic course, adding examples of certain types of violations, and clarifying the terms of readmission after expulsion for violation of the Code.

University Policy 202, Final Examinations

  July 10, 2012

Status: Revised

This policy has been updated to reflect current practice.  University Policy 202 was initially revised in May 2007 due to changes made in the course schedule and class meeting times.  After the policy change, there remained significant confusion surrounding final examination schedules.  As a result, in Spring 2009 the Office of the Registrar worked with members of the faculty to develop recommendations to resolve the issues related to the final exam schedule.  The resulting recommendation, endorsed by the Associate Deans Council, removed the need for department chairs and associate deans to be involved in the process of changing final exam times.  This became the “practice” beginning in Fall 2009 and has worked smoothly since then.  In addition, an electronic Final Examination Conflict form has eliminated the need for students to obtain the form from the Office of Registrar in person.  Finally, the changes also include reference to the related Academic Calendar policy and the Faculty Council’s recent motion that no activities be required on Reading Day.

University Policy 101.9 , Employee Assistance Program

  June 27, 2012

Status: Revised

On June 27, 2012, Chancellor Dubois approved revisions to University Policy 101.9, Employee Assistance Program. These revisions, made in consultation with the Human Resources Department, reflect changes in the EAP vendor and program benefits, and clarify the procedures for self (voluntary) referrals and directed referrals.

University Policy 408, Student Involuntary Protective Withdrawal Policy

  March 5, 2012

Status: Revised

The revisions were made in response to amendments to regulations implementing Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

University Policy 208, Substantive Change Compliance Policy

  February 22, 2012

Status: New

This new University Policy was established to comply with the Southern Association of College and Schools (SACS) requirement that all  SACS institutions have a policy on substantive changes in their programs.

University Policy 101.15 , Additional Compensation for Professional Services to the University

  February 22, 2012

Status: Revised

This rewritten University Policy now achieves two objectives: (1) to bring the University into compliance with cost accounting regulations, and (2) simplifies the University’s rules for additional compensation.