This policy has been revised and rewritten both to expand the coverage of the Policy to all students who may fall victim to or be involved in hazing, and also to fall in line with national best practices.
On May 16, 2014, Chancellor Dubois approved a University Policy 715, Security Cameras. This new policy was developed to: (1) ensure that the placement and monitoring of security cameras at UNC Charlotte are consistent with the university’s goals of deterring crime and preserving property and public safety; (2) affirm UNC Charlotte’s commitment to an open campus and constitutional privacy; (3) centralize the storage of and access to security camera video; and (4) formalize procedures relating to control, placement, and monitoring of security cameras.
This Policy is revised in response to recommendations by the current EPA Non-Faculty staff grievance review panel, to make references to the administrative grievance procedure in the policy more clear to both the review panel and grievant.
This new policy has been developed by Academic Affairs to set forth the terms and conditions of personal leaves of absence for nine-month faculty. Previously, University Policy 102.6, “Leaves of Absence for Members of the Faculty,” included provisions regarding FMLA leave and personal leaves of absence for members of the faculty. Now the two types of leave are covered by two different policies. This new Policy 102.15 covers personal leaves of absence for nine-month faculty, and University Policy 102.6 covers Family and Medical Leave for Nine-Month Faculty.
This Policy has been revised and reorganized for clarity. The former University Policy 102.6 covered FMLA leaves, personal leaves, and educational leaves of absence. The newly revised Policy addresses only FMLA leave, which is reflected in a new policy title, “Family and Medical Leave for Nine-Month Faculty.” Personal leaves of absence for nine-month faculty are covered in new University Policy 102.15, Personal (Non-FMLA) Leaves of Absence for Nine-Month Faculty.
On December 6, 2013, Chancellor Dubois approved a new University Policy 101.23, Employment-Related Background Checks and Criminal Activity Reporting. This new policy addresses the University’s need to formalize: (a) when and under what conditions criminal background checks are conducted on University employees, contractors, and volunteers; and (b) when and to whom an employee is expected to report a criminal conviction.
This new Policy sets forth UNC Charlotte’s commitment to ethical, legal, and professional behavior in all dealings both inside and outside the University. It is applicable to all members of the University community.
These revisions are intended to bring this policy into compliance with new State law (HB 937, Session Law 2013-369) permitting concealed handguns in locked vehicles on campus, as well as several other changes in state law since the policy was last revised. The addition of definitions in the policy further clarifies how the law applies on campus.
This policy has been updated to include references to a newly created online Notice of Intent to Engage in External Professional Activities for Pay form.
The revisions to this policy address the evolving intersection of several federal statutes, as well as recent case law and federal guidance, and their application in the campus setting.