This University Policy has been revised to meet the new discrimination standards required by law and to ensure that the policy matches the new automated performance evaluation system categories and processes.
These revisions were made to provide clarity and to add a paragraph informing employees who to contact with questions regarding the policy. The changes are minor and broaden the tasks administrative staff can provide for business that is not directly related to the university. The title of the policy was also changed from "Secretarial Time" to "Administrative Support for Professional Obligations."
This new University Policy establishes clear procedures for responding to public records requests.
This revision clarifies that content on the University’s electronic communication systems (ECS) may be released subject to the requirements of the North Carolina Public Records Act.
The revision is intended to reflect the data security challenges faced by the University due to the rapidly-evolving nature of information collection and transmission
This University Policy has been revised because the Retirement Systems Division has extended the time period in which an individual may complete his/her retirement application from 90 days to 120 days.
This University Policy has been revised to add appropriate reference to the new University Policy 102.12, Faculty Military Leave.
This new University Policy is in accordance with UNC Board of Governors Policy 300.2.8, which requires that each constituent institution adopt policies and regulations in accordance with federal and state law and consistent with the Board of Governors policy.
This University Policy has been revised to include the prohibition of discrimination on the basis of genetic information. This addition is required to comply with Title II of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA). Revised
The revisions to this University Policy reflect current practices and update office titles.