Classification of Positions Subject to the State Human Resources Act

University Policy: 
Executive Summary: 

The classification of positions subject to the provisions of the State Human Resources Act (SHRA) is a joint responsibility of University managers, supervisors, administrators, and the University Human Resources Department, with final classification authority residing with the Office of State Human Resources.

It is the policy of The University of North Carolina at Charlotte to administer the classification of positions subject to the provisions of the State Human Resources Act (SHRA) in a fair and equitable manner that is consistent with standards and guidelines established by the Office of State Human Resources.


The classification of SHRA positions is a joint responsibility of University managers, supervisors, and administrators and the University Human Resources Department, with final classification authority residing in the Human Resources Department for all current positions.  New classifications not currently in the campus inventory of positions must be coordinated with and approved by OSP.   Managers, supervisors, and administrators are important to position classification, because they determine what work is required and how and by whom it is to be done.   It is the responsibility of department/office heads and their subordinate supervisors to:

  1. assign duties and responsibilities to each position,
  2. maintain an accurate and current position description (PD) for each employee and each vacant position,
  3. inform employees concerning their duties and responsibilities, content of their PDs, availability of classification standards, and the right to appeal the classification of their positions,
  4. review, revise, and certify PDs for use in determining classifications,
  5. prepare or delegate the preparation of PDs for new positions,
  6. initiate recommendations for personnel actions based on classification concerns,
  7. inform employees of the status of classification actions, and
  8. participate in periodic review of PDs to ensure that positions are properly described and classified.

It is the responsibility of the University Human Resources Department to review all requests for classification, reclassification, career band placements, and progressions, and to process these requests in a timely manner. Positions are classified on the basis of their duties, responsibilities and supporting competencies. in accordance with OSP guidelines. Supervisors and employers are entitled to examine published classification specification and career band profiles used in determining classifications, career bands and competency levels. Information on classification standards is available on the Human Resources Department website or upon consultation with Human Resources Department staff.  


  1. Initial classification of SHRA positions is a follow-up action to approved budget requests for new positions submitted in accordance with University Policy 101.10, Budget Submissions and Position Management. Upon receipt of an approved Budget Request to Establish or Modify a Position (BREMP) from Financial Services and submission of information regarding duties and responsibilities in the form of a Position Description, an Organizational Chart, and an Americans with Disability Act Checklist for Determining General Mental and Physical Requirements, the Human Resources Department will begin a classification review. This information is analyzed for the purpose of determining the appropriate classification. The Human Resources Department will prepare a written analysis of the proposed job content and competencies to support and finalize a classification determination and will report the resulting classification action to the requesting department or office.

  2. A request for reclassification of an established SHRA position is initiated by a department or office head when the job has changed significantly in level and/or kind of duties and/or required competencies. The department or office head must submit an updated Position Description, Organizational Chart, and Checklist to the Human Resources Department for review to determine if the revisions justify reclassification. The Human Resources Department will review the materials and will communicate its determination to the requesting department or office head. 

  3. The Human Resources Department will initiate classification studies on individual positions, initiate group studies, and request the establishment of new position classifications as may be required or deemed appropriate, in accordance with PIM 56 and PIM 57.

Revision History: 
  • Initially approved by the Chancellor, May 27, 1978
  • Revised November 4, 1985
  • Revised October 26, 1987
  • Revised April 25, 1997
  • Revised March 20, 2008

Authority: Chancellor

Responsible Office: Business Affairs

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