New & Revised Policies

University Policy 407, Code of Student Academic Integrity

  August 5, 2019

Status: Revised

The Code of Student Academic Integrity has been rewritten and revised to

  1. Make the document more faculty- and student-friendly;
  2. Correct any procedural issues experienced in applying the current version of the Code;
  3. Ensure that Code process and language align with practice; and
  4. Make improvements based on faculty and student feedback.

University Policy 410, Policy and Procedure for Student Appeals of Final Course Grades

  August 5, 2019

Status: Revised

University Policy 410, Policy and Procedure for Student Appeals of Final Course Grades, has been revised to (a) clarify where review is required by an academic dean; (b) make explicit how to proceed in the event of the absence of the grading faculty member due to sabbatical, employment change, disability, death, or otherwise; and (c) change the final level of appeal and decision to rest with the Academic Dean rather than the Provost.

University Policy 602.9 , Naming Opportunities

  July 11, 2019

Status: Revised

The Board of Trustees approved revisions of University Policy 602.9, Naming Opportunities, defining “Projects” and requiring that (unless otherwise authorized by the Chancellor) gifts to name Projects cover the entire cost, including installation and an endowment sufficient to cover maintenance. The revisions also specify individual naming conventions on formal signage and wayfinding signage for Programs and Facilities.

University Policy 718, Tailgating

  May 8, 2019

Status: Newly Approved

This University Policy governs tailgating activities on campus, including locations, times, permitted items, prohibited items, and other important details. It replaces a previous appendix to University Policy 706, Alcoholic Beverages.

University Policy 601.2 , Library Privileges

  May 8, 2019

Status: Revised

This Policy has been revised and rewritten to cover online research materials, which are subject to licenses, as well as physical materials; to update references to the cost of the Community Borrower's card; and to clarify that the Dean may negotiate formal agreements with other groups for access to the Library, as long as they fully comply with licenses and contracts.

University Policy 408, Student Involuntary Protective Withdrawal Policy

  March 15, 2019

Status: Revised

University Policy 408, Student Involuntary Protective Withdrawal Policy, has been revised to reflect that current legal standards for withdrawing a student involuntarily can include both direct threat to others as well as an actual risk to one's own safety.

University Policy 306, Research Utilizing Human Subjects

  January 8, 2019

Status: Revised

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and 16 other federal departments and agencies are implementing a revised rule on Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects (also known as the “Common Rule”) that will become effective January 21, 2019.  Because the Common Rule definition of “human subjects” is changed effective January 21, 2019, the definition of that term has been updated in University Policy 306 to ensure compliance. In addition, the policy has been rewritten and reorganized for clarity.

University Policy 704, Animals on Campus

  October 30, 2018

Status: Revised

University Policy 704, Animals on Campus, has been revised to codify current practices with regard to student requests for emotional support animals (ESAs) in on-campus housing.

University Policy 301, Patent Policy

  August 23, 2018

Status: Revised

University Policy 301, Patent Policy, has been revised to:

  • provide more user-friendly headings and organizational flow; 
  • increase the percentage of net revenue payable to the inventor(s) to a flat 50% to encourage and support research and development activities; 
  • authorize the Director of Technology Transfer to act independently of the Patent Committee in order to increase efficiency in straight-forward or routine matters and to allow the Director to process ownership claims during the Summer break when the Committee does not meet;
  • clarify the bases upon which the University asserts ownership in employees’ inventions and the obligation to assign ownership to the University immediately upon invention as a condition of employment or enrollment; and
  • clarify the limited bases upon which the University will claim ownership of student inventions.

University Policy 406, Code of Student Responsibility

  August 17, 2018

Status: Revised

University Policy 406, Code of Student Responsibility, has been revised to (a) ensure compliance with federal, state, and local law, federal and state guidance, and UNC system policy, (b) reflect current institutional practices and national best and emerging practices, and (c) promote a policy that is easier to understand for the various stakeholders involved in the conduct process (e.g., students, Representatives, administrators).