This Policy has been revised as necessary to ensure compliance and consistency with the new University Policy 504, Title IX Grievance Policy.
The new University Policy 317, Social Media Policy, has been established to minimize risk, streamline brand identity and account management, and better equip the UNC Charlotte social media network for the growing number of issues management that occur on University-affiliated social media channels. The Policy is tailored for UNC Charlotte's social media landscape, stemming from an audit of our current social media network of over 150 accounts, evaluation of past University-wide response efforts, and recognition of the increased need for ease of expectation setting and management standards.
This policy has been revised to remove outdated provisions related to University social media accounts and to instead refer to the newly approved University Policy 317, Social Media Policy.
University Policy 602.4, University Receipts and Deposits, has been rewritten and retitled to:
University Policy 402, Student Education Records (FERPA), has been revised to clarify that classroom recordings by the University are considered Limited Use Directory Information.
The Code of Student Responsibility has been updated to clarify some apparent inconsistencies in the interaction between the Code and the newly established University Policy 504, Title IX Grievance Policy.
This new University Policy 504, Title IX Grievance Policy, is necessitated by and in alignment with the Title IX Final Regulations, released by the U.S. Department of Education on May 6, 2020 and effective August 14, 2020. The new Policy is intended to meet all new Title IX Regulation requirements, and is in alignment with existing University Policies, state personnel policies, and UNC System policies and guidance.
The Code of Student Responsibility is revised to conform with the new University Policy 504, Title IX Grievance Policy (sexual misconduct that falls outside Title IX remains in the Code, and sexual misconduct that constitutes Title IX is removed from the Code). Additional revisions add new language to affirm the University’s interest in balancing students’ free speech rights with the desire to protect the Campus community from discriminatory words and actions. Other revisions are intended to clarify certain terms and to conform to current policies and practices.
The Hazing Policy has been rescinded, instead incorporating the substance of the Policy into University Policy 406, Code of Student Responsibility.
This Policy has been revised to update it with references to the new University Policy 504, Title IX Grievance Policy and to add a prohibition on retaliation for reporting violations of federal law.