University Policy 311.2, including the Policy title, has been revised to reflect adjustments in internal financial information security procedures in compliance with the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), and a new supplemental “Financial Information Security Program (GLBA)” document is established to implement the Policy.
University Policy 601.6 has been revised to clarify certain standards for space reservations and signage, as well as to specify certain conditions of Expressive Activity without space reservations related to the safety of both the University community and visitors.
University Policy 702, Weapons on Campus, has been revised to provide certain limited exceptions based on accommodations for religious practices.
The Board of Trustees has approved revisions to University Policy 101.1, Tuition and Fees Privileges for Eligible Faculty and Staff, that are primarily focused on statutory and UNC System Policy changes in 2021 that extend to certain sworn University law enforcement officers the opportunity to enroll in unlimited courses free of tuition and fees. Other eligible employees are limited to enrollment in three courses per year. The University has been implementing this new authority since last fall, but these revisions are necessary to align our Policy with practice.
The Chancellor has approved interim revisions to the Code of Student Responsibility that:
University Policy 501, Nondiscrimination, has been simplified, and the prohibition on discrimination or discriminatory harassment by any member of the University community has been clarified. This Policy applies to students, faculty, and staff. All employees are required to report alleged violations of the Policy. The Office of Civil Rights and Title IX will have more detailed procedural documents available on its website for different classes of respondents.
University Policy 403, Student Appeals and Grievances, has been rescinded. The substance of the former policy is posted on the Dean of Students' website as a resource for students.
University Policy 411, Student Grievance Procedure, has been revised to remove all discrimination or discriminatory harassment complaints from its purview.
University Policy 101.5, Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Plan, has been revised to mirror University Policy 501, Nondiscrimination, with respect to the list of protected statuses. The name has also been changed to help eliminate confusion related to University Policy 501.
University Policy 501.2 has been rescinded, because its substance is now captured in University Policy 501, Nondiscrimination.