This Policy has been revised to align with SACSCOC’s major revisions to its Substantive Change Policy, which was based on the U.S. Department of Education’s new Negotiated Rulemaking for Higher Education.
The previous University Policy 101.3 covered both familial and amorous relationships between faculty/employees and students. That Policy insufficiently addressed the varying conflicts created by amorous or familial relationships and the resolutions for each type of conflict. Two separate Policies (UP-101.3 and UP-101.25) have been created to address amorous and familial relationships respectively.
Previously University Policy 101.3 covered both familial and amorous relationships between faculty/employees and students. That Policy insufficiently addressed the varying conflicts created by amorous or familial relationships and the resolutions for each type of conflict. Two separate Policies (UP-101.3 and UP-101.25) have been created to address amorous and familial relationships respectively.
The Code of Student Academic Integrity has been revised to clarify the definition of "cheating" and help faculty members identify the appropriate, more specific charge for a student's behavior; to add the adjudication option of “In Absentia Resolution" to allow for a case to be resolved in a student’s absence if they have not responded to meeting requests; and to clarify that for fairness and equity purposes, all resolutions, even informal ones, will be a part of a student’s academic integrity record.
University Policy 504, Title IX Grievance Policy, has been revised in response to a recent court case that invalidated one provision of the federal Title IX regulations. University Policy 504 now no longer includes that provision.
University Policy 715, Security Cameras, has been revised to clarify certain terms and processes, including adding definitions for key terms; excluding body-worn cameras from the definition of Security Cameras; streamlining the review and approval process of installation requests; adding consideration of advancing technologies related to personal privacy; and making clear that Security Camera recordings are considered “criminal intelligence records” for public records purposes.
Experience and empirical evidence at UNC Charlotte have shown that authorship disputes arise and can be damaging to mentor/mentee and collaborator relationships. Additionally, journals will not arbitrate authorship disputes and instead recommend that institutions resolve them. Thus, establishing an authorship policy with resolution procedures and providing training regarding open and transparent authorship decision making will help to foster a culture of integrity in research.
This Policy has been revised as necessary to ensure compliance and consistency with the new University Policy 504, Title IX Grievance Policy.
This new Policy establishes authorities and responsibilities as well as key steps in the access control process. The Policy provides clear guidance on the process for requesting, approving, issuing, and accountability for key and access cards. This Policy aligns with security best practices and is the starting point for a long-term strategy to organize access control under Safety and Security and to focus on process improvement to reduce unauthorized access while streamlining effectiveness.
This Policy has been revised and rewritten as necessary to ensure compliance and consistency with the new University Policy 504, Title IX Grievance Policy.