This policy extends the availability of emeritus status to non-tenure track faculty members with 10 or more years of service. In addition, it makes emeritus status available for Tier I Senior Academic and Administrative Officers with ten or more consecutive years of service and, on rare occasions, to Tier II Senior Academic and Administrative Officers with 25 or more consecutive years of service.
The use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), more commonly known as “drones,” on campus has increased significantly over the last few years. Use of such equipment presents great opportunities for the University, but presents some risks that must be addressed as well. There are federal and state laws and regulations that users must adhere to when operating such equipment. This new University Policy addresses these issues and provides guidance to various constituents who may be operating drones on campus.
Several units across campus have already begun using drones for University purposes. Such use is considered “governmental” by the FAA, which requires that certain registrations and licenses be obtained and that operators follow numerous restrictions when flying. Hobbyists also operate drones on campus, which have fewer general requirements for license and registration but present a variety of risks for the University.
The purpose of this new Policy is to require individuals operating drones on campus to notify the University of such operation so the University can ensure that any necessary licenses and registrations have been obtained, insurance on University property has been appropriately acquired, and risks have been identified and mitigated to the extent possible. It also sets forth the expectation that operators abide by all state and federal laws, regulations, restrictions, requirements, and guidelines.
This new policy provides guidelines for acquiring and disposing of real property by lease to ensure coordinated compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and governing policies. Leases are governed by state statutes and require varying levels of approval. Depending on the annual rent amount, leases may require approval up to and including the Council of State and execution by the Governor. All lease requests must be evaluated by the UNC Charlotte Real Estate Office and approved by the Property Review Committee. If the need for leased space is appropriately justified, funded, and approved, the Property Officer will process the request to seek the approvals required by applicable State Law and UNC System policies and procedures. The UNC Charlotte Real Estate Procedures Manual serves as supplemental instruction for this policy and provides detailed procedures.
This policy has been revised as follows:
University Policy 316, Export Control, has been revised to codify the University's institutional compliance with federal Export Control laws and regulations. The policy also provides more specificity on the groups to which it applies (i.e., all University faculty, staff, students, and visiting scholars). In addition, references to the Export Control Compliance Committee have been removed, as that committee is no longer in existence and is not required by any law or regulation.
University Policy 101.22, Flexible Work and Telework Arrangements for SHRA and EHRA Non-Faculty Employees, has been revised to clarify restrictions on teleworking during leave covered under FMLA and teleworking arrangements out-of-state.
University Policy 602.1, Direct Deposit of Pay, has been revised to add new provisions related to procedures during a Condition 2 or Condition 3 event for those employees who are not signed up for direct deposit.
University Policy 406, The Code of Student Responsibility, has been revised to account for recent changes in the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights (OCR) guidance regarding Title IX cases.
University Policy 602.7, Travel Authorization and Reimbursement, has been revised to update provisions related to travel policies for grant funds and to clarify processes for travel authorizations and reimbursements.
The policy previously designated as University Policy 317, Mobile Communication Device Allowances, has been re-designated under Chapter 602, Finances and Gifts rather than its former designation under Chapter 300, Research, Intellectual Property, and Information Technology. The new policy number is 602.10. This re-designation under Chapter 602 better reflects its substance and purpose.