New & Revised Policies

University Policy 305, Securing Rights to Perform Music

  March 3, 2003

Status: Revised

Revisions include

  1. Agreements with music performance licensing agencies are available for inspection in the Budget Office,
  2. Printed musical programs for live performances should be forwarded to the Budget Office before or within five days after such performance,
  3. “Appendix A – Report of Musical Performance” and “performance fees” has been eliminated,
  4. Records of musical performances will be maintained by the Budget Office, and
  5. Questions regarding this policy or proper interpretation of the law should be directed to the Office of the University Attorney.

University Policy 601.15 , Control and Management of University Equipment and Other Property

  January 16, 2003

Status: Revised

This University Policy was revised to clarify and emphasize the University's responsibility to protect and preserve all University Property. Such revisions include provisions requiring that all University employees have the obligation to report actual or attempted arson, damage, theft, embezzlement, or misuse of any State-owned personal property, buildings or other real property. These revisions are partly in response to heightened scrutiny of state agency loss-control measures by North Carolina Executive Branch officials.

University Policy 101.15 , Additional Compensation for Professional Services to the University

  January 6, 2003

Status: Revised

A revision to this University Policy clarifies that full-time faculty and EPA staff salaries can be approved by the Chancellor and Board of Trustees.

University Policy 308, Research Relations with Private Enterprise and Publication of Research Findings

  December 26, 2002

Status: Revised

Revisions to this University Policy 1) set out the basic subject matter of the Board of Governors' policy; 2) require that the Office of the Associate Provost for Research ensure that approved research proposals comply with the University policy; and 3) stress the need to coordinate through the Associate Provost for Research any agreement that improperly restricts the freedom of faculty and students to publish research findings.

University Policy 101.16 , Research Appointments

  December 26, 2002

Status: Revised

In these revisions 1) the term "Research Postdoctoral Fellow" has been changed to "Postdoctoral Fellow;" 2) the word "should" has been changed to "must" to reflect the requirement that Postdoctoral Fellows hold a doctoral degree or the equivalent; and 3) language has been added to clarify the process for hiring Postdoctoral Fellows.

University Policy 102.9 , Senior Academic and Administrative Officers

  December 10, 2002

Status: Revised

This University Policy was revised to reflect the "College of Nursing" name change to the "College of Health and Human Services."

University Policy 708, Utility Outages

  December 10, 2002

Status: Revised

This University Policy was revised to reflect the "College of Nursing" name change to the "College of Health and Human Services.

University Policy 714, Biosafety

  October 28, 2002

Status: Revised

The revisions to this University Policy emphasize and better define how the biosafety process is managed on campus by addressing

  1. Institutional committee responsibility for approval, registration, use, handling, and management of biohazardous agents and recombinant DNA molecules;
  2. Investigator responsibility for approval, registration, possession, and use of biosafety level 2 agents, biosafety level 3 agents, Select Agents, and recombinant DNA;
  3. Responsibilities of the Office of Research Services; and
  4. The list of biohazardous agents designated as "Select Agents" in the Code of Federal Regulations. That list is provided as Attachment A to the policy statement.  UNC Charlotte currently does not use or contemplate use of any Select Agents.  If a request for use of a Select Agent arises in the future, procedures must be implemented to comply with federal regulations applicable to that group of agents.

University Policy 304, Electronic Communication Systems

  September 27, 2002

Status: Revised

The purpose of this new University Policy is to ensure the appropriate use of the University’s email systems by its students, faculty, and staff.  It addresses personal use of email, limitations on the use of email, archiving email, official University email communications, and user responsibilities.

University Policy 311, Information Security

  September 27, 2002

Status: Revised

The title of this University Policy is revised to add the words “Access and,” which more precisely describes the purpose of the policy.  The policy is simplified and clarified by removing references to “Owners” and assigning all such responsibilities to either Users or Custodians.