Annual Leave Accrual: Effective July 1, 2001, all 12-month EPA non-faculty employees except Tier I Senior Academic and Administrative Officers (SAAOs) receive 24 days of annual leave per year.Therefore, “exceptional leave entitlements” are no longer available for such EPA employees. Annual leave for Tier I SAAOs remains unchanged at an annual rate of 26 days per year.
Annual Leave Payout: If an EPA non-faculty employee is employed for less than 24 months, the annual leave payout is limited to one day for each month worked, less the number of days of annual leave taken during the employment period.
Transfers of Annual Leave: UNC Charlotte has elected not to transfer annual leave for an outgoing EPA employee to another North Carolina state agency, and it will not accept annual leave from another state agency for an incoming EPA employee. Instead, EPA employees are “paid out” when they leave employment. This is consistent with the practice of other institutions in the UNC system.
Restructuring of University Policies 4 and 81: University Policy 81 now includes a list of all positions classified as Tier I SAAO and a hyperlink to a list of those positions classified as Tier II SAAO.Tier I and II SAAOs may elect optional retirement, whereas other EPA non-faculty employees do not have this choice. University Policies 64 and 81 are significantly abridged by including direct hyperlinks to the Board of Governors’ policies as “Attachments,” rather than repeating them verbatim in the text.Annual Leave Accrual: Effective July 1, 2001, all 12-month EPA non-faculty employees except Tier I Senior Academic and Administrative Officers (SAAOs) receive 24 days of annual leave per year.Therefore, “exceptional leave entitlements” are no longer available for such EPA employees. Annual leave for Tier I SAAOs remains unchanged at an annual rate of 26 days per year.
Annual Leave Payout: If an EPA non-faculty employee is employed for less than 24 months, the annual leave payout is limited to one day for each month worked, less the number of days of annual leave taken during the employment period.
Transfers of Annual Leave: UNC Charlotte has elected not to transfer annual leave for an outgoing EPA employee to another North Carolina state agency, and it will not accept annual leave from another state agency for an incoming EPA employee. Instead, EPA employees are “paid out” when they leave employment. This is consistent with the practice of other institutions in the UNC system.
Restructuring of University Policies 102.7 and 102.9: University Policy 102.9 now includes a list of all positions classified as Tier I SAAO and a hyperlink to a list of those positions classified as Tier II SAAO.Tier I and II SAAOs may elect optional retirement, whereas other EPA non-faculty employees do not have this choice. University Policy 102.7 and 102.9 are significantly abridged by including direct hyperlinks to the Board of Governors’ policies as “Attachments,” rather than repeating them verbatim in the text.
Annual Leave Accrual: Effective July 1, 2001, all 12-month EPA non-faculty employees except Tier I Senior Academic and Administrative Officers (SAAOs) receive 24 days of annual leave per year.Therefore, “exceptional leave entitlements” are no longer available for such EPA employees. Annual leave for Tier I SAAOs remains unchanged at an annual rate of 26 days per year.
Annual Leave Payout: If an EPA non-faculty employee is employed for less than 24 months, the annual leave payout is limited to one day for each month worked, less the number of days of annual leave taken during the employment period.
Transfers of Annual Leave: UNC Charlotte has elected not to transfer annual leave for an outgoing EPA employee to another North Carolina state agency, and it will not accept annual leave from another state agency for an incoming EPA employee. Instead, EPA employees are “paid out” when they leave employment. This is consistent with the practice of other institutions in the UNC system.
Restructuring ofUniversity Policies 102.7 and 102.9: University Policy 102.9 now includes a list of all positions classified as Tier I SAAO and a hyperlink to a list of those positions classified as Tier II SAAO.Tier I and II SAAOs may elect optional retirement, whereas other EPA non-faculty employees do not have this choice. University Policies 64 and 81 are significantly abridged by including direct hyperlinks to the Board of Governors’ policies as “Attachments,” rather than repeating them verbatim in the text.
Revisions to this University Policy conform it to new State policy and University practices.Specifically, the State Controller’s Office has implemented a $5,000 capitalization threshold for recording University equipment on financial statements.Reference to the Property Loss Committee has been deleted because the University now conducts direct administrative review of property losses.
The revisions to this University Policy include
The University Policy revision makes it easier for faculty members to understand the effects of leave on their retirement benefits and their health insurance programs.The two exceptions for faculty members who take non-FMLA personal leave without pay now included in the policy based on North Carolina statutes and State Personnel Commission rules are:1) they are not entitled to contribute to the State retirement system (either TSERS or the Optional Retirement Program), and 2) the University cannot make contributions to their health insurance programs.Employees are responsible for paying the full premium cost if they wish to continue health insurance.Additionally, an updated version of the administrative AA-32 form has been added to the online version of this University Policy.
Reviewed by the Staff Organization and approved by the Faculty Council at one of its last meetings of the 2000-2001 academic year, this policy was developed in accordance with the UNC Board of Governors’ comprehensive new policy on copyrights. It establishes the Faculty Copyright Education and Policy Committee and a copyright dispute resolution mechanism. In addition the Policy provides guidance on copyright infringement and fair use. Finally, it establishes parameters for ownership of various types of copyrightable works by faculty, staff, and students. This policy is subject to modification as the result of further discussion with the Faculty during next year.Additionally, the Provost will call for a review of the policy after two years of operation under its terms.
The revisions authorize limited medical services at Brocker Health Center for on-campus conference and camp participants.Additionally, medical services for Postdoctoral Fellows is available on the same basis and at the same rates as the general student population. Note: This policy revision was previously incorrectly announced as being approved by the Board of Trustees on March 2, 2001.
Each department bears responsibility for forwarding copies of its own publications to the University Archives and the North Carolina State Publications Clearinghouse in the Department of Cultural Resources, rather than to the UNC Charlotte Publications Officer. The revisions also include clarification of the places for deposit of University publications, and a change of address for the North Carolina Publications Clearinghouse.
This University Policy has been changed to reflect recent revisions to the regulations governing the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Specifically, the new FERPA regulations now provide that the University shall give a parent or eligible student when requested, an opportunity for a hearing to challenge the content of the student's education records on the grounds that the information contained in the education records is inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of the privacy rights of the student. The regulations previously provided that a student could challenge his or her education records on the grounds that the information contained in the records was inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of the student's privacy or other rights.
The relevant revisions to University Policy 402 are in Section IV and Attachment.