New & Revised Policies

University Policy 402, Student Education Records (FERPA)

  April 9, 2001

Status: Revised

This University Policy has been changed to reflect recent revisions to the regulations governing the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Specifically, the new FERPA regulations now provide that the University shall give a parent or eligible student when requested, an opportunity for a hearing to challenge the content of the student's education records on the grounds that the information contained in the education records is inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of the privacy rights of the student. The regulations previously provided that a student could challenge his or her education records on the grounds that the information contained in the records was inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of the student's privacy or other rights.

The relevant revisions to University Policy 402 are in Section IV and Attachment.

University Policy 101.8 , Personnel Records

  March 26, 2001

Status: Revised

The intent of the revisions is to bring the policy into line with current practice.Most of the revisions reflect the change in practice from maintenance of EPA personnel files in the “office of the Vice Chancellor for the division” where employment was held or sought to the “department or unit” where employment was held or sought.Additionally, requests for inspection of EPA personnel records and confidential letters of recommendation should now be directed to the Director of Academic Budget and Personnel rather than to the office of the Vice Chancellor of the division in which employment was held. Additional revisions reflect other changes in practice or simple clarification of language.

University Policy 602.2 , Solicitation and Acceptance of Gifts

  March 26, 2001

Status: Revised

This Policy combines the current PS #602.2 (Securing Private Support) and PS #602.3 (Gift Acceptance) because of their common subject matter.PS #602.2 intends to better organize the policies and procedures for solicitation and acceptance of gifts.In addition, it reflects and is consistent with the policies and procedures set forth in the “Standards for Gift Acceptance” manual. Because of the consolidation, PS #602.3 has been rescinded.

University Policy 714, Biosafety

  February 26, 2001

Status: Approved

This University Policy describes planning and implementation of control practices for the prevention of laboratory-acquired infections in all UNC Charlotte research programs involving biohazardous agents.The policy has been established to ensure safe handling of biohazardous agents and the appropriate assessment of potential risks.

University Policy 101.16 , Research Appointments

  February 26, 2001

Status: Revised

The revisions conform minor changes made necessary by the recent addition of University Policy 102.10 - Employment of Postdoctoral Fellows.

University Policy 102.10 , Employment of Postdoctoral Fellows

  December 8, 2000

Status: Approved

This University Policy intends to make clear the terms of employment for Postdoctoral Fellows such as salary, benefits, and length of employment, as well as clarify their status as employees.Postdocs are required to sign the “Agreement for Temporary Postdoctoral Fellow Appointment” form (AA-35).

University Policy 313, Use of University Laboratory Facilities

  November 13, 2000

Status: Approved

This University Policy intends to avoid unnecessary loss or injury resulting from use of university laboratories by individuals who do not have appropriate training, supervision, or authorization.Only those individuals authorized under this policy are permitted in specified university laboratories.

University Policy 402, Student Education Records (FERPA)

  October 30, 2000

Status: Revised

This University Policy has been revised in light of the new regulations governing the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). The definition of“Education Records” is revised to clarify that “sole possession” records are, among other things, those that are “used only as a personal memory aid.” The definition of “Directory Information” is revised to add “enrollment status.” The section on disclosure of education records without prior consent of the student is revised to add a section entitled “Litigation.”The section addressing disclosure of alcohol or drug violations to parents is revised to clarify that it applies only to students who are under the age of 21 at the time of disclosure to the parent. Changes unrelated to the new FERPA regulations include an update of the cost of an official copy of a transcript, from $1 to $3, and minor editorial changes.

University Policy 802, Conduct at Speech Events

  October 30, 2000

Status: Revised

This University Policy has been revised to allow the Chancellor to designate another person to make determinations about security and the necessity for and selection ofmoderators, and to eliminate the necessity to appoint a committee.

University Policy 704, Animals on Campus

  October 30, 2000

Status: Revised

This University Policy has been revised to make it more readable, and to clarify the approval process.