New & Revised Policies

University Policy 601.14 , Proprietary Software

  November 7, 2001

Status: Revised

Revisions reflect that

  1. Computing Services will maintain an up-to-date list and reference file of supported software packages licensed to the University, which will be available for inspection by any member of the University community,
  2. Business Affairs will maintain a list of software licensed by individual departments within the University, and
  3. Individuals who allocate the use of and access to UNC Charlotte computing and network resources must ensure that all users are aware of restrictions and obligations imposed by the applicable license agreements.

University Policy 601.14 , Proprietary Software

  November 7, 2001

Status: Revised

Revisions reflect that 1) Computing Services will maintain an up-to-date list and reference file of supported software packages licensed to the University, which will be available for inspection by any member of the University community, 2) Business Affairs will maintain a list of software licensed by individual departments within the University, and 3) individuals who allocate the use of and access to UNC Charlotte computing and network resources must ensure that all users are aware of restrictions and obligations imposed by the applicable license agreements

University Policy 604.3 , Service Vehicles on Campus

  October 29, 2001

Status: Revised

Substantive revisions provide definitions of “utility carts” and “central area of campus;” state the purpose for utility carts on campus; include “unlicensed off-the road vehicles,” “six (6) wheel vehicles,” and “alternative fuel vehicles;” clarify utility cart operations; require that utility carts be identified with a department letter and that the department be responsible for training its operators; and clarify procedures for reporting accidents.

University Policy 102.9 , Senior Academic and Administrative Officers

  September 28, 2001

Status: Revised

Annual Leave Accrual: Effective July 1, 2001, all 12-month EPA non-faculty employees except Tier I Senior Academic and Administrative Officers (SAAOs) receive 24 days of annual leave per year.Therefore, “exceptional leave entitlements” are no longer available for such EPA employees. Annual leave for Tier I SAAOs remains unchanged at an annual rate of 26 days per year.

Annual Leave Payout: If an EPA non-faculty employee is employed for less than 24 months, the annual leave payout is limited to one day for each month worked, less the number of days of annual leave taken during the employment period.

Transfers of Annual Leave: UNC Charlotte has elected not to transfer annual leave for an outgoing EPA employee to another North Carolina state agency, and it will not accept annual leave from another state agency for an incoming EPA employee. Instead, EPA employees are “paid out” when they leave employment. This is consistent with the practice of other institutions in the UNC system.

Restructuring of University Policies 4 and 81: University Policy 81 now includes a list of all positions classified as Tier I SAAO and a hyperlink to a list of those positions classified as Tier II SAAO.Tier I and II SAAOs may elect optional retirement, whereas other EPA non-faculty employees do not have this choice. University Policies 64 and 81 are significantly abridged by including direct hyperlinks to the Board of Governors’ policies as “Attachments,” rather than repeating them verbatim in the text.

University Policy 102.7 , Personnel Policies for Designated Employment Exempt from the State Human Resources Act

  September 28, 2001

Status: Revised

Annual Leave Accrual: Effective July 1, 2001, all 12-month EPA non-faculty employees except Tier I Senior Academic and Administrative Officers (SAAOs) receive 24 days of annual leave per year.Therefore, “exceptional leave entitlements” are no longer available for such EPA employees. Annual leave for Tier I SAAOs remains unchanged at an annual rate of 26 days per year.

Annual Leave Payout: If an EPA non-faculty employee is employed for less than 24 months, the annual leave payout is limited to one day for each month worked, less the number of days of annual leave taken during the employment period.

Transfers of Annual Leave: UNC Charlotte has elected not to transfer annual leave for an outgoing EPA employee to another North Carolina state agency, and it will not accept annual leave from another state agency for an incoming EPA employee. Instead, EPA employees are “paid out” when they leave employment. This is consistent with the practice of other institutions in the UNC system.

Restructuring of University Policies 102.7 and 102.9: University Policy 102.9 now includes a list of all positions classified as Tier I SAAO and a hyperlink to a list of those positions classified as Tier II SAAO.Tier I and II SAAOs may elect optional retirement, whereas other EPA non-faculty employees do not have this choice. University Policy 102.7 and 102.9 are significantly abridged by including direct hyperlinks to the Board of Governors’ policies as “Attachments,” rather than repeating them verbatim in the text.

University Policy 102.7 , Personnel Policies for Designated Employment Exempt from the State Human Resources Act

  September 28, 2001

Status: Revised

Annual Leave Accrual: Effective July 1, 2001, all 12-month EPA non-faculty employees except Tier I Senior Academic and Administrative Officers (SAAOs) receive 24 days of annual leave per year.Therefore, “exceptional leave entitlements” are no longer available for such EPA employees. Annual leave for Tier I SAAOs remains unchanged at an annual rate of 26 days per year.

Annual Leave Payout: If an EPA non-faculty employee is employed for less than 24 months, the annual leave payout is limited to one day for each month worked, less the number of days of annual leave taken during the employment period.

Transfers of Annual Leave: UNC Charlotte has elected not to transfer annual leave for an outgoing EPA employee to another North Carolina state agency, and it will not accept annual leave from another state agency for an incoming EPA employee. Instead, EPA employees are “paid out” when they leave employment. This is consistent with the practice of other institutions in the UNC system.

Restructuring ofUniversity Policies 102.7 and 102.9: University Policy 102.9 now includes a list of all positions classified as Tier I SAAO and a hyperlink to a list of those positions classified as Tier II SAAO.Tier I and II SAAOs may elect optional retirement, whereas other EPA non-faculty employees do not have this choice. University Policies 64 and 81 are significantly abridged by including direct hyperlinks to the Board of Governors’ policies as “Attachments,” rather than repeating them verbatim in the text.

University Policy 102.4 , Annual and Sick Leave for Faculty Members

  September 28, 2001

Status: Revised

 To avoid duplication and confusion, University Policy 102.4 no longer applies to EPA non-faculty employees and instead applies only to faculty members. The title has been changed to “Annual and Sick Leave for Faculty Members.”

University Policy 101.15 , Additional Compensation for Professional Services to the University

  June 22, 2001

Status: Revised

Revisions to this University Policy conform it to new State policy and University practices.Specifically, the State Controller’s Office has implemented a $5,000 capitalization threshold for recording University equipment on financial statements.Reference to the Property Loss Committee has been deleted because the University now conducts direct administrative review of property losses.

University Policy 712, Medical Services

  June 1, 2001

Status: Revised

The revisions authorize limited medical services at Brocker Health Center for on-campus conference and camp participants.Additionally, medical services for Postdoctoral Fellows is available on the same basis and at the same rates as the general student population. Note: This policy revision was previously incorrectly announced as being approved by the Board of Trustees on March 2, 2001.

University Policy 301, Patent Policy

  June 1, 2001

Status: Revised

The revisions to this University Policy include

  1. removing two paragraphs addressing copyright and replacing them with a paragraph adapted from the new Copyright Policy regarding works subject to both copyright and patent protection,
  2. deleting procedures for protection and marketing of software (unnecessaryin light of the new Copyright Policy),
  3. renaming the policy “Patent Policy” (from “Patent and Copyright Procedures”), and 4) making other editorial changes to improve the readability of the policy.