New & Revised Policies

University Policy 404, Death of a Student

  July 8, 2002

Status: Revised

Revisions to this University Policy deal specifically with the death of international and ELTI students, include distance-education students, and add additional follow-up activities to be coordinated by the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs.

University Policy 711, Program to Prevent Use of Illegal Drugs and Alcohol Abuse

  July 8, 2002

Status: Revised

Major revisions to this University Policy update information about local resource agencies, eliminate the responsibilities of the Substance Abuse Prevention Committee, and correct minor grammatical errors.

University Policy 605.7 , Open Meetings Requirements

  July 8, 2002

Status: Revised

This update clarifies where public bodies should file official copies of minutes and general accounts of closed session meetings.

University Policy 605.7 , Open Meetings Requirements

  July 8, 2002

Status: Revised 605.7

This update clarifies where public bodies should file official copies of minutes and general accounts of closed session meetings.

University Policy 102.11 , Non-Salary Compensation for Employees Exempt from the State Human Resources Act

  June 7, 2002

Status: Approved

This new University Policy provides that the Board of Trustees is authorized to determine items of non-salary compensation for the Chancellor, and that the Chancellor is authorized to determine such items for other employees.

University Policy 101.1 , Tuition and Fees Privileges for Eligible Faculty and Staff

  June 7, 2002

Status: Revised

The revisions to this University Policy provide for the tuition waiver to include tuition and course fees, and extend the tuition and fees waiver to summer school courses for regular academic credit, which are receipts-supported.  Such waiver is not permitted for any other receipts-supported course unless the Provost has approved that course in advance as eligible for such treatment.  A revised form for applying for this benefit can be picked up from the Human Resources Department.

University Policy 306, Research Utilizing Human Subjects

  June 5, 2002

Status: Revised

Revisions to this University Policy

  1. change the name of the committee that reviews proposed research with human subjects to the Institutional Review Board for Research on Human Subjects (“IRB”),
  2. designate the Associate Provost for Research to appoint members of the IRB committee (rather than the Provost), and
  3. add the new regulatory requirement that all investigators named in the protocol, including students, complete approved training on the use of human subjects in research.

University Policy 402, Student Education Records (FERPA)

  May 8, 2002

Status: Revised

The word “class” was added to the definition of “Directory Information” to make it consistent with what currently appears in the University Catalog.

University Policy 603.2 , Contracting with State Employees or Relatives of State Employees

  May 8, 2002

Status: Revised

This revision involves adding the North Carolina Administrative Code requirement that purchases must be pre-approved by the State Procurement Office before they are made from or through individuals who are also University or State of North Carolina employees.

University Policy 301, Patent Policy

  February 22, 2002

Status: Revised

Revisions to the University Policy a) simplify the document without altering its intent, b) include current operating procedures and practices of the Office of Technology Transfer, c) replace text that is redundant with text in the associated Board of Governors’ policy, and d) provide a web-based link to that policy.Language has been removed that required certain recommendations made by the Patent Committee be approved in writing by the Chancellor.