New & Revised Policies

University Policy 102.7 , Personnel Policies for Designated Employment Exempt from the State Human Resources Act

  June 1, 1998

Status: Revised

The university policy has been revised to change all references to the term "handicap" to the more accurate and appropriate term of "disability."

University Policy 601.13 , Interference with University Operations

  June 1, 1998

Status: Revised

The University Policy has been revised to add "disability" to the list of impermissible factors for the University to consider in dealing fairly and impartially with any disruption, destruction, or interference with University operations.

University Policy 502, Sexual Misconduct and Interpersonal Violence

  May 18, 1998

Status: Revised

This University’s sexual harassment policy and grievance procedures have been revised to create a single comprehensive resource for addressing sexual harassment matters at the University. First, two new sexual harassment grievance procedures have been added to cover members of the University community who were previously covered only by generic procedures not specifically aimed at sexual harassment. Second, the general sexual harassment policy and all associated grievance procedures have been consolidated to make the policy and procedures easier to find and apply. The procedures previously known as University Policy 302 and University Policy 303 will no longer be separately identified as policy statements. Instead, they are simply attachments to the sexual harassment policy, University Policy 502.

The two new procedures are entitled "Grievance Procedure for Certain Employees Exempt from the State Personnel Act Alleging Sexual Harassment," and "Grievance Procedure for Students Alleging Sexual Harassment by Another Student." They provide specific methods for addressing sexual harassment claims made by certain EPA employees, and claims of sexual harassment of one student by another. The addition of these new procedures means that all students and all exempt employees now have access to procedures designed specifically for sexual harassment grievances. (SPA employees are covered by procedures set forth in UNC Charlotte Personnel Information Memorandum #35 (PIM-35), in accordance with the State Personnel Act.)

Finally, because the University Policy Series is now available primarily online, a hyperlinked index to University Policy 61 has been added at the beginning of the policy so that it is easier to navigate, and a specific grievance procedure can be located quickly.

University Policy 706, Alcoholic Beverages

  March 23, 1998

Status: Revised

This university policy has been revised to allow non-student groups with proper approval to serve alcohol in areas other than the Cone Center rooms, the Cone Center Plaza, the cafeterias, and the Rathskeller, and to allow only non-student groups with proper approval to serve mixed drinks only at certain limited campus events. The revisions also add a specific requirement that noticeably intoxicated persons may not be admitted or served at campus events and clarify that all sales of alcoholic beverages are prohibited. In addition, this university policy has been rearranged so that legal definitions of certain alcoholic beverages are set forth in the text of the policy, rather than in footnotes. The revised policy includes a summary of the applicable State laws governing the use and possession of alcoholic beverages on the University campus, and includes a clear statement that violation of the Alcoholic Beverages policy may result in disciplinary action by the University. Finally, the revised policy requires groups planning to serve alcoholic beverages at a campus event to complete an "Acknowledgement of Responsibility" form. A "Special Circumstances Approval" form must also be completed to obtain certain specified exceptions to the Alcoholic Beverages policy. Both forms are included as appendices to the policy.

University Policy 710, Outdoor, On-Campus Activities

  March 23, 1998

Status: Revised

This university policy has been revised to clarify the conditions upon which certain outdoor, on-campus activities may be held in approved locations. There are explicit requirements that all approved outdoor activities must end by 11:00 PM and that all organizations or groups sponsoring outdoor activities must comply with University Reservations and Event Services' policies. Finally, the revisions require that any exceptions to the policy must be approved by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.

University Policy 203, Grants, Contracts, and Cooperative Agreements to Finance Sponsored Programs

  November 3, 1997

Status: Revised

This university policy has been revised to reflect decentralization of handling grant and contract proposals. College deans and certain other University officials are authorized to sign specific types of grant and contract proposals. A list of those authorized to approve proposals is available in the Office of the University Attorney and the Office of Research. In addition, proposals that would impede the elimination of racial duality in the University no longer require advance approval of the President. The Proposal Approval Process Chart and the Internal Processing Form have been deleted.

University Policy 101.17 , Workplace Violence

  October 20, 1997

Status: Revised

This university policy declares that UNC Charlotte is committed to provide a workplace that is safe, secure, and respectful. It defines "workplace violence" and sets forth the responsibilities of employees, students, and the Workplace Violence Coordinator. It establishes a training and education program and sets forth institutional procedures and remedial actions to be followed when incidents of workplace violence occur. The policy also establishes a Critical Response Team of administrators to respond to critical incidents of workplace violence affecting the University community. Finally, the Policy includes a copy of the Workplace Violence Incident Report to be completed as a part of the procedure to resolve reported incidents of workplace violence.

University Policy 101.1 , Tuition and Fees Privileges for Eligible Faculty and Staff

  October 13, 1997

Status: Revised

This university policy has been revised to clarify that tuition waiver is available to eligible full-time faculty and staff during the fall and spring semesters only, and not during the summer session. Employees from other constituent institutions should contact the University Registrar for enrollment information. The University Registrar now has the authority to certify academic eligibility and space availability and will be responsible for providing the Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs with a copy of each tuition waiver application. Attachments A (Application for Faculty/Staff Tuition Waiver) and B (Procedures for faculty and staff from other constituent institutions) have also been revised.

University Policy 601.11 , Purchasing Policy

  July 14, 1997

Status: Revised

This university policy has been completely rewritten to classify major purchasing methods as either under State contract or not under State contract. Purchases not under State contract are classified as either purchases from University facilities, petty cash purchases, small purchases, local competitive purchases, or purchases based on sealed State bids. The policy sets forth the methods and procedures for all purchases. In addition, it provides several specified exemptions and exceptions. Finally, the policy establishes programs to ensure support of historically underutilized businesses.

University Policy 312, Equity Acquisition in Technology Licensing Arrangements

  May 21, 1997

Status: Approved

This university policy recognizes that the University occasionally acquires partial equity in young companies as a means of assisting these companies to license University technology. This policy enables the University to receive a benefit from acquiring equity while addressing potential inventor and institutional conflicts of interest issues.