University Policy 720, Threat Assessment and Management, has been revised to align with the new UNC System Regulation on Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management Teams (UNC Policy Manual 1300.7[R]).
These revisions to University Policy 601.1, Use of University Supplies, Equipment, Technology, Phones, and Other Resources, are intended to comply with statutory requirements enacted in June 2024 regarding viewing pornographic material on University devices or networks. (See N.C. General Statute §143-805 on p. 6 of H971.)
The revisions to University Policy 302, Website Standards, are intended to integrate comprehensive website governance across the University website’s ecosystem to align with the overarching objectives of the web redesign project. This shift aims to foster a cohesive digital presence that reflects the institution's values, enhances user experience, and ensures consistency and accuracy across all online platforms. By implementing a more robust website governance policy, the University can streamline web content management processes, uphold branding standards, and improve accessibility and user experience. Embracing this change underscores the University's commitment to innovation and excellence in its digital initiatives, ultimately empowering stakeholders to effectively engage with the institution's online resources.
University Policy 601.6, Use of University Space, is intended to combine and replace both the former Policy 601.6, Scheduling University Facilities, and University Policy 601.9, Sales, Solicitations, Distribution of Materials, and Campus Displays, which were closely intertwined and addressed related issues. Combining them into one newly rewritten University Policy is intended to provide the University community with a “one stop shop” to find guidance on the appropriate use of University space, including space reservations; priority for the use of space; restricted and instructional space; major events; expressive activity not requiring reservations; distribution of materials; postings, chalking, banners, and signs; sales and solicitation; and structures.
University Policy 601.9, Prohibition on Camping, is a new University Policy intended to clarify what constitutes “camping” and to prohibit camping on University property.
(This new Policy replaces prior University Policy 601.9, Sales, Solicitations, Distribution of Materials, and Campus Displays, which was rescinded and replaced by a rewritten University Policy 601.6, Use of University Space, on August 14, 2024)
University Policy 721, Personal Identification Policy, is a new University Policy intended to comply with recent revisions to N.C. General Statute 14-12.11(a)(6) and N.C. General Statute 14-12.11(c) with regard to masks, as well as to require that individuals on campus carry their 49er ID Card or government-issued identification and be prepared to establish their identity to the satisfaction of an Authorized University Employee for various University purposes.
On April 25, 2024, the UNC Charlotte Board of Trustees approved revisions to University Policy 102.13, Tenure Policies, Regulations, and Procedures, to align the Policy with recent revisions to the Code of the University of North Carolina (Sections 603 and 604); Regulation on Disciplinary Discharge, Suspension, or Demotion Under Section 603 of The Code ([R]); and Regulation on Non-Reappointment, Denial of Tenure, and Denial of Promotion Under Section 604 of The Code ([R]).
Final approval by the President of the University of North Carolina, as required by UNC Code Section 602.8, is pending.
University Policy 309, Responding to Allegations of Misconduct in Research and Scholarship, has been revised in response to a request by the federal Office of Research Integrity (ORI), based on current Federal Regulations. Additional revisions include clarifying the Vice Chancellor for Research’s role as UNC Charlotte’s Deciding Official (DO) and removal of the requirement in the Procedures to complete a preliminary assessment regarding allegations of research misconduct within one week.
University Policy 101.4, Concurrent Emplyment of Related Persons, has been revised to update the definition of “related persons”; clarify the limitations on concurrent service, supervision, review, evaluation, etc. of related persons, while being cognizant of issues related to trailing spouses; add explicit provisions about conflicts of interest and commitment; clarify procedures for disclosure and review of related relationships; and clarify procedures for relationships between faculty, professional staff, or any other related person working on sponsored research projects.
The revised and rewritten University Policy 602.9, Naming Opportunities, defines naming authority as related to type and gift size; addresses corporate naming term limits and the useful life of facilities; rarefies honorary namings; implements naming agreements; and provides guidance related to donation status.