New & Revised Policies

University Policy 703, Environmental Health and Safety (EHS)

  April 25, 1997

Status: Revised

The revision of this university policy clarifies that the Safety and Health Director has the responsibility to plan and recommend safety and health programs and must maintain appropriate accident records. The Director of Personnel no longer maintains those records. The Safety and Health Director reports to the Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs through the Director of Human Resources. In addition, the University Safety and Health Committee is responsible for University-wide policy issues and serves as an advisory unit to the Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs. An operational safety committee shall be appointed by the Chancellor to assist the University Safety Committee in performing various functions. Final prioritization of funding for safety compliance rests with the Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs, with recommendations from specified administrators and committees.

University Policy 704, Animals on Campus

  April 25, 1997

Status: Revised

This university policy has been revised to clarify that Policy and Public Safety, rather than Security, should be contacted to report the presence of an unattended animal on campus.

University Policy 601.7 , Flags

  April 25, 1997

Status: Revised

This university policy has been revised to reflect that the Department of Police and Public Safety is responsible for raising and lowering the flags on the UNC Charlotte campus and for seeing that they are flown consistent with federal and state laws and proclamations.

University Policy 103.1 , Classification of Positions Subject to the State Human Resources Act

  April 25, 1997

Status: Revised

This university policy has been revised to reflect that the Human Resources Department, rather than the Personnel Department, has certain responsibilities regarding classification of positions subject to the State Personnel Act. In addition, department/office heads and their subordinate supervisors may either prepare or delegate the preparation of position descriptions for new positions. New position or reclassification requests require the submission of a Position Description, an Organizational Chart, and a Checklist for Determining General Mental and Physical Requirements to the Human Resources Department. For new positions, the information is analyzed to determine the appropriate classification, and a written analysis of the proposed job content is prepared and forwarded to the Office of State Personnel for review and final approval. For reclassifications, the information is analyzed to determine of the revisions in duties and responsibilities justify reclassification.

University Policy 601.3 , Administrative Support for Professional Obligations

  April 24, 1997

Status: Revised

This university policy has been revised to encourage employees who have professional obligations to project the amount of time to be allocated to such activities, in order to avoid noncompliance with the Fair Labor Standard Act.

University Policy 403, [RESCINDED - Student Appeals and Grievances]

  March 10, 1997

Status: Revised

This university policy has been revised to update the list of procedures established to address areas of concern to students by replacing "Student Disciplinary Governance Act" with "The Code of Student Responsibility."

University Policy 404, Death of a Student

  March 10, 1997

Status: Revised

This university policyhas been revised to reflect new titles of officers who have responsibilities on the occasion of a student's death. The policy substitutes "Director of Police and Public Safety" for the previous "Director of Public Safety," "Director of Public Relations" for the previous "Director of Public Information," and "Housing and Residence Life" for the previous "Residence Life." A list of emergency contact phone numbers has been deleted.

University Policy 202, Final Examinations

  March 10, 1997

Status: Revised

This university policy has been revised to correct a typographical error by adding the missing word "out" after the word "filling" in subsection 4.

University Policy 407, Code of Student Academic Integrity

  March 10, 1997

Status: Revised

This university policy has been revised to clarify that transient students from other institutions enrolled in courses for credit at UNC Charlotte are bound by the UNC Charlotte Code of Student Academic Integrity.

In addition, under the section on Procedures, the previous term "Student Court Justices" is replaced with "Student Hearing Panel Members."

Under the section on Appeals, the revised policy more fully sets forth the procedures for a student appealing an adverse decision by the Hearing Panel, including the requirement that the student must submit a written brief in support of the appeal, separately stating each ground upon which the student claims the Hearing Panel committed error. The revised policy also provides that upon review of the Hearing Panel's decision, the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs may, among other things, remand the case for a new hearing before a Hearing Panel composed of members of the Academic Integrity Board who have not previously participated in the case.

Finally, under the section on Advice to Faculty Members, the policy includes a reminder to faculty that intent is an element of any academic integrity offense, and a student who submits a group project containing material plagiarized by a second student in the group has not violated academic integrity unless the first student knew of the plagiarism.


University Policy 706, Alcoholic Beverages

  March 10, 1997

Status: Revised

This university policy has been revised to add the Student Activity Center as an area where alcoholic beverages may be consumed at an event upon approval by the University Reservations Office.